Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Tragedy os San Luis Bridge essays
The Tragedy os San Luis Bridge papers Postulation: Parental love are significant topic in the Bridge of San Luis Rey. We see this topic in the narratives of Do II. Madre Maria del pilars Love. The Bridge of San Luis Rey starts by disclosing to us how in Friday around early afternoon on July twentieth of 1714 The best extension in Peru broke and encouraged five explorers into the inlet (Wilder pp 5) Brother Juniper, a priest who saw the mishap and started an examination concerning the lives of the five voyagers. This took six years exploring their insider facts lives. Likewise Brother Juniper needed to know whether this episode was incited or where for predetermination of god. In this book the writer makes reference to about how significant is love. In this book I discovered three parental loves between Maria the Marqueza, Madre Maria del Pilar and Uncle Pio. The firs parental love is between the Marqueza and her girl Do ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Easements free essay sample
An easement basically is a privilege in another’s land and gives both an advantage and a weight. Megarry Wade[1] presents easements by expressing: â€Å"The custom-based law perceived a set number of rights which one landowner could obtain over the place that is known for another; and these rights were called easements and benefits. Instances of easements are privileges of way, privileges of light and privileges of water. †Easements can exist in all number of ways, including an easement to store merchandise as in Wright v Macadam[2] and an easement to utilize a landing strip as in Dowty Boulton Paul Ltd v Wolverhampton Corporation. 3] However, the necessities to guarantee the legitimacy of easements can really confine the scope of rights that can work as easements. Some may contend that the law which oversees the creation and obtaining of easements has been created in an aimless way and needs change. To be sure, Dr Martin Dixon[4] remarked on this: â€Å"Section 62 LPA 1925 is hard to legitimize and ordinarily works just to protect parties who have neglected to indicate what they truly need or to get out the guiltless however unadvised land proprietor. We will compose a custom article test on Easements or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page It isn't certain that it has a job in an arrangement of e-conveyancing. There are vulnerabilities about its exact field of activity, spare that it works just on award. †The conditions expected to fulfill the making of an easement were set out in Re Ellenborough[5], whereby four standards were set out for an option to be fit for turning into an easement. Initially, there must be a predominant and servient apartment, whereby the advantage of the privilege must append to a land parcel and not that of the person. Also, the easement itself on the servient apartment must suit the predominant apartment, implying that it is basic that it is associated with its delight just as for its advantage, as in Hill v Tupper[6]. This standard has caused to some degree debate throughout the years as this case, alongside the instance of Ackroyd v Smith[7] have demonstrated the grouping of easements to be shut and restricted to just very much perceived sorts. The third standard in Re Ellenborough states that the prevailing and servient apartments must be various individuals and in this manner can't be possessed by a similar individual as on account of semi easements. Finally, the easement must be fit for containing the topic of an award, which incorporates various thoughts planned for controlling the scope of potential easements. For instance; with the end goal for it to turn into an easement, the privilege must be of a reasonable depiction and exact definition in its significance and must not be exclusively utilized for the motivations behind pleasure. In Re Aldred[8] it was held that a privilege to a decent view couldn't comprise as an easement. This would recommend that the obtaining of easements would be not to be discovered indistinct as it warrants against making incidental definitions. In any case, some may contend that this last condition in Re Ellenborough takes into account legal attentiveness and in fact adaptability inside the framework, as new easements can really come to exist, for example, an easement to utilize a letterbox in Goldberg v Edwards. [9] The standards in Re Ellenborough just go about as a guide for the adjudicator, yet regularly an appointed authority may decide to perceive an easement dependent on the necessities of the property, the conduct of the gatherings and the conditions with respect to the case. Thus, in this view, the law is dubious as it turns out to be to some degree hard to affirm if another correct will relate to being an easement. According to how easements are made, there are three manners by which it was perceived an easement could be made; by method of express or saved award, suggested or held award by activity of rule or in conclusion, by activity of solution. An express award is the most well-known manner by which easements are made, whereby the proprietor of the servient land concurs recorded as a hard copy to give the proprietor of the predominant land a directly over their property to help the prevailing area. *** An easement may likewise appear by means of a suggested award as referenced beforehand, through explanation of need, byâ the basic goal of the gatherings, underâ the rule in Wheeldon v Burrows and Under Section 62 of the LPA 1925. Be that as it may, the above techniques for securing easements by inferred award can regularly cover, as easements made by suggestion are progressively hard to characterize, as it relies altogether upon the realities and conditions of every exceptional case whether an easement by suggestion can exist. As far as by method of need, a property to be passed on can have an inferred easement connected onto it, if the utilization of the easement is sensibly essential for the pleasure in the property and is evident, nonstop and in presence at the exact time when the property is being passed on. Easements by suggestion are a lot harder to characterize. Regardless of whether an easement by suggestion exists will rely upon the realities and conditions novel to each case. The set up rule found in Wheeldon v Burrow is that on award of the land, the grantee will gain all easements which are consistent and clear, and have been and are at the hour of the award being utilized by the grantor to assist the land itself. In this way, observing the standard in Wheeldon v Burrows, easements work for the grantee and against the grantor, as the grantee will have the option to guarantee as a suggested easement a directly over the land that has been held by the grantor. In any case, the standard that the privilege must be fundamental for the sensible satisfaction in land represents an issue of sorts. The privilege being referred to isn't basic for the satisfaction in the land, but instead the privilege ought to suit the predominant apartment. This shows how loose the standards with respect to Wheeldon v Burrow can be in sure cases, particularly in Wheeler v J. J. Saunders Ltd. [10] In segment 62 of the Land Property Act 1925, certain necessities are likewise set down. This rule infers easements where there has been â€Å"some decent variety of possession or control of the semi prevailing and servient apartments before the transport. On the off chance that the buy is by method of deed, these rights consequently will be moved alongside the transport to the grantee except if explicitly barred in the transport as on account of Wright v Macadam. [11] Additionally, the privilege must be delighted in at the particular time when the movement happens and the privilege must be equipped for being an easement, not only an authorization conceded as held in Green v Ascho Horticulturalist Ltd. [12] Turning to easements got by remedy, one could state this is like gaining title by unfavorable belonging. It emerges from continuous utilization of land, whereby a non-landowner can pick up the prescriptive easement in a property that he doesn't possess on the off chance that he meets all the prerequisites expressed. Commonly, these necessities incorporate utilizing the easement for a long time (as administered S. 2 Prescriptions Act 1832 and found on account of Reilly v Orange[13]), guaranteeing select control is kept up over it, utilizing it consistently during this period and doing this in an estate which makes it understood to the present proprietor.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Stress and Sleep Deprivation
Stress and Sleep Deprivation Stress Management Effects on Health Print Stress and Sleep Deprivation Causes, Effects, Prevention and Management By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on March 18, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 06, 2020 How Stress Impacts Your Health Overview Signs of Burnout Stress and Weight Gain Benefits of Exercise Stress Reduction Tips Self-Care Practices Mindful Living Diane Diederich E+ / Getty Images Are you getting enough sleep? If you’re like many people, you’re no stranger to sleep deprivation. According to a sleep poll of about 15,000 respondents on this site, around half are getting six or fewer hours of sleep per nightâ€"which can put them in a state of sleep deprivation. Effects of Sleep Deprivation If you’re reading this and have gotten less sleep than you wish you did last night, you may also find yourself more stressed than you could be. Studies on sleep show that those who get significantly less than the optimal 7.5 to 8.5 hours each night may be operating under a sleep deficit. People regularly getting less than ideal amount of nightly sleep may be prone to the following and more: Mild to moderate cognitive impairmentMotor skill impairmentEmotional irritabilityWeight gainWeakened immunity Stress and Sleep Deprivation More than just being tired throughout the day, not getting enough sleep can color your whole day and subtly, but pervasively, create more stress. Most of these factors can lead to greater stress: Being less mentally sharp at work can jeopardize your performance and potentially cause problems on the job.Getting sick more often puts you under pressure and additional stress.Experiencing emotional reactivity can cause conflict with co-workers, family, and friends.Being more prone to accidents obviously has its own set of dangers. Combating Sleep Deprivation If you find yourself wishing you’d gotten more sleep last nightâ€"and an honest look at your lifestyle reveals that lack of adequate sleep is a common occurrence,â€"some changes should probably be made. You may try one or more of the following: Find more time for sleep. Often the cause of sleep deprivation is simple overscheduling. It’s difficult to find time for all the things we do these days, and sleep is often the first item on our schedule that gets sacrificed when we get too busy. You can find out about life plan strategies for finding a better balance.Create sleep-promoting habits. Sometimes we have habits in our lifestyle that can sabotage our sleep without our realizing it. That’s why building better sleep habits into one’s schedule are so important and effective in combating sleep deprivation.Cultivate a sleep-friendly state of mind. If you’ve found yourself losing sleep over a conflict or stressor you’re experiencing in life, you’re not aloneâ€"most of us have been there at one time or another. Try mindfulness meditation or learn how to clear your mind.Manage stress in your life. Sometimes it’s just general stress that affects our sleepâ€"our body’s stress response gets triggered and stays tri ggered, and our body’s systems get out of balance, resulting in sleep problems. Manage Current Sleep Deprivation The previous suggestions are all effective options for making the commitment to take care of yourself and making changes to ensure that you get enough sleep. Just getting enough sleep at night can impact your life and stress levels in many ways. However, if you need help feeling more alert right now, and want help in managing the effects of sleep deprivation immediately, the following five tips can help: Drink peppermint tea. You may be pleased to know that aromatherapy research shows that the scent of mint can actually help sharpen your cognitive abilities temporarily. Drinking peppermint tea is a great way to wake up your body and mind, and you can drink it caffeine-free from the afternoon on so the caffeine doesn’t interfere with your sleep tonight.Get some quick exercise. If you take a quick walk or find other ways to get quick bursts of exercise (or more, if you have time), you should get a burst of endorphins to lift your mood, and an infusion of energy to help get you through the day.Take a power nap. As long as you set an alarm and don’t sleep too long, a power nap can be a great solution to help you get through a long afternoon.Listen to music. Studies in music therapy have found that music can actually affect your physiologyâ€"listening to music of a quicker tempo can increase your heart rate and help you feel more energetic. Playing some upbeat music is a s imple way to wake yourself up on your lunch break or whenever you can fit it in.Eat well. To combat the effects of lost sleep on your waistline, and to provide your body with the best fuel, be sure to feed yourself healthy meals and snacks today so you don’t find yourself involved in a sugar crash as well as a sleep deprivation rut. These tips are no substitute for a good night’s sleep, but they’re shortcuts to better managing a sleep deficit. Try them, and resolve to get better sleep in the future, and you’ll be glad you did.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Trespass to Property Act Essay Online For Free - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1508 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Review Level High school Did you like this example? Assignment: Tresspass to Property Act Ontario Powers of Arrest/Search The Trespass to Property Act has proven to be a very viable provincial law. It has been used countlessly to protect the interest of owners in charge of property, and has been used to apprehend those who have committed misconduct in relation to that property. Needless to say, the Trespass to Property Act has opened a gateway to legal authority over individuals who are citizens and not peace officers, in order to exercise their powers and to make arrests. Within this paper, I will be discussing with further detail as to what the Trespass to Property Act is, explaining the jurisdictions which security guards, or those in charge of the property have under the Trespass to Property Act, as well as previous cases which have dealt with the Trespass to Property Act. As mentioned before, the Trespass to Property Act is a provincial law within Ontario Canada that deals with illegal activity or entry conducted onto private or public property (Service Canada e-laws). Thus, since it is a provincial law, any punishments or mechanisms of enforcement would also be provincial (Service Canada e-laws). The Trespass to Property Act is an effort to arrange what was previously known by the common law. In most case scenarios, the act is used by private-property owners only to keep undesirable persons off of their assets (Service Canada e-laws). Although this act is not only limited to prohibited entry of individuals. An individual may also be charged under this act if he or she engages in any sorts of prohibited activity on the premises, or does not exit the location as soon as possible after being told to do so by the occupant or a person authorized by the occupier (Service Canada e-laws). Furthermore there is a specific color of right defense, where if the accused who is being charged under the Trespass of Property Act had been involved with a situation of land claim and he or she truly b elieved that they were entitled to it, then the charge may be dropped (Service Canada e-laws). Prohibited entry may be indicated with or without indication if the premises is a garden, field, or other land that is under agriculture. This includes lawns, vineyards, and areas where trees have been planted before reaching an average height of two meters and woodlots used on land for unindustrialized reasons (Service Canada e-laws). Furthermore, entry is also prohibited amongst areas that are enclosed and that indicate the owners or authorized ownerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s intention to keep people or animals away (Service Canada e-laws). On the other hand, if the property is not enclosed with indication of prohibited entry, and has doors which implicates approach then it is okay to do so (Service Canada e-laws). Under the Trespass of Property Act, methods of giving notice may be given in several ways. A notice may be given either orally or in writing, by means of signs posted so that the sign is visible in daylight and normal conditions, as well as by means of the marketing system which is in section 7 of the act (Service Canada e-laws). In essence the Trespass of Property Act enriches our quality of life in terms of our rights and freedoms. In terms of the jurisdiction amongst anyone including security guards, anyone authorized by the owner, the owner itself and even police officers, the Trespass of Property Act allows arrests without a warrant if he or she believes that on reasonable and probably grounds that there is an infringement of section 2 subsection 1 amongst the premises (Service Canada e-laws). In relation to this, the act also mentions that anyone who makes an arrest and is not a police officer is required to call for the assistance of an officer and hand the suspect who has been arrested to police custody (Service Canada e-laws). If in any case, a police officer believes on reasonable and probably grounds that an individual has made a violation of s ection 2 and has just left the area, and the suspect refuses to give a name or address to the police officer, then the officer may arrest without a warrant (Service Canada e-laws). On the other hand, if the officer has reasonable and probably grounds to believe that the information given is false, then he may also arrest without a warrant (Service Canada e-laws). Furthermore, if by any chance that an offence was committed by a motor vehicle or by a motorized snow vehicle, then the driver of the vehicle is responsible to the fine provided under this act (Service Canada e-laws). Lastly, there have been many real life situations where the Trespass to Property Act has been used in laying charges. In the case of R. v. Asante-Mensah, a taxi driver was repeatedly à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“scoopingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ fares from the arrivals of Torontoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Pearson International Airport, and was doing so without a permit (Lexum, 2015). Under the Trespass of Property Act he had received no tice under section 3 although continued to do so anyway (Lexum, 2015). This prohibited him entry for any purpose from the airport. The taxi driver continued to brush off these fines and eventually the airport decided to put an end to the problem with the taxi drivers. The actions the airport decided to take was to use their powers of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“citizenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢sà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ arrest under section 9 of the Trespass of Property Act (Lexum, 2015). Evidently, an airport inspector had appeared and approached the accused, while touching him on the shoulder, and advising him that he was under arrest for trespassing and that he would be detained until the police show up (Lexum, 2015). In response, the accused entered his vehicle and escaped. During the trial, the judge came to the conclusion that the accused could not be sentenced of resisting a lawful arrest since the inspector had used à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“reasonable forceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ even though he was not sanctioned to do s o (Lexum, 2015). Unfortunately, this is not the only incident of such misconduct. There are other incidents involved where the taxi of the accused was sitting at a curb unattended while two inspectors approached the vehicle, along with another à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“scoopersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ car. Once the Inspector saw the taxi driver, he then approached him, and touched him on the shoulder while informing him he was under arrest for trespassing and that he would be detained until the police arrived. The suspect responded by shoving his car door into the inspector which had caused the inspector to back away (Lexum, 2015). The driver of the taxi then proceeded to get in his vehicle and drive away, escaping the scene. Because of this incident, there was eventually a charge of assault with intent to resist arrest laid on the suspect (Lexum, 2015). Furthermore, the accused was also charged with escaping lawful custody (Lexum, 2015). In conclusion, the Trespass of Property Act implements an or der of legal protection amongst lands, buildings, or any other of such property. Throughout this paper, the specifics of what the Trespass of Property Act is, has been covered as well as its detailed information regarding its purpose as one of our provincial laws. Not only that, but the powers which individuals hold under the Trespass of Property Act such as security guards (including regular citizens), and police officers has also been discussed, as well as how such powers are exercised and for what reasons. With further regard, the paper has also demonstrated examples of cases which have dealt with charges concerning the Trespass of Property Act, and with what the outcome of these cases were. Hence, the importance of the Trespass of Property Act was established by demonstrating prevailed justice. From picking the topic about the Trespass of Property Act, I have personally been able to make connections to certain instances in my lifetime where I believe I may have been able to exer cise my powers of a citizenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s arrest as well. Having said that, I can also recall to moments of my life where I myself may have been in trouble with regards to the Trespass of Property Act, being the devilish child I was in elementary school. Evidently, I have learned that this provincial statute may actually be more over à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" looked than it actually is, seeing that many citizens may not be aware of the powers of arrest which they have in terms of this act. Personally I believe that this act is able to give Canadian citizens within Ontario a greater sense of freedom and ownership of their property and belongings given the powers associated with it, and be able to make appropriate decisions whether to exercise those powers once the circumstances present themselves. Reference Material https://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_90t21_e.htm https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/2071/index.do Works Cited Tre spass to Property Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. T.21. (n.d.). Retrieved March 11, 2015, from https://www.elaws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_90t21_e.m Supreme Court Judgments. (n.d.). Retrieved March 11, 2015, from https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/2071/index.do Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Trespass to Property Act Essay Online For Free" essay for you Create order
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Mental Illness in Shakespeares Works - 1371 Words
Throughout Shakespeare’s many works, mental illnesses have played an undeniable part in many of them, especially his tragedies. From Lady Macbeth hallucination of a bloody spot leading to her suicide, to Hamlet’s faked illness and Ophelia’s very real illness, afflictions of the mind are featured prominently in the Bard of Avalon’s many works. Still, in the Elizabethan era, understanding of mental illness was rudimentary at best, as were the methods of treating it. During the Middle Ages and Elizabethan Era, numerous theories about mental disorders and how to treat them abounded. Three plays of Shakespeare’s that feature mental illness most prominently are King Lear, Hamlet, and Macbeth, while also managing to showcase the conception of†¦show more content†¦However, Hamlet proceeds to murder and hide the body of Polonius, which leads to Ophelia’s insanity and the scene where everyone dies, as well as the completely senseless murders o f minor characters Guildenstern and Rosencrantz. Speaking of Ophelia’s madness, it becomes apparent to the audience that she is well and truly insane, when she enters, singing, â€Å"They bore him barefaced on the bier;/Hey non nonny, nonny, hey nonny;/And in his grave raind many a tear:--/Fare you well, my dove!†which, even by the archaic standards of Shakespeare, is complete and utter nonsense. Ophelia, apparently, due to rejection by Hamlet, her boyfriend, and the death of her father, had become hysterical, possibly having PTSD. PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a mental disease commonly found among soldiers, but can be caused by the murders of close family members, and does result in delusions. Whatever the case may have been, Ophelia later commits suicide by drowning herself in the river, possibly due to delusions, or out of depression over her father’s death. Whatever the case may be, both Hamlet and Ophelia are prime examples of insanity and ma dness within Shakespeare’s writings. Finally, Macbeth, one of Shakespeare’s shortest and bloodiest works, is near infamous for its main characters, the Lord and Lady Macbeth, both of whom happen to be insane. The first instinence of MacbethShow MoreRelatedThe Tragedy Of Macbeth And Macbeth1510 Words  | 7 PagesShakespeare portrayed mental illnesses in Macbeth fairly accurately. The characters in the tragedy of Macbeth show many characteristics and warning signs of mental disorders such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), schizophrenia and depression. Since there is scarce evidence of medical testing and research with the mind during the 1500s and 1600s, Shakespeare most likely didn’t understand that the way he portrayed the character’s actions are characteristics for certain diagnosed mental disorders. TheRead MorePsychoanalysis Of Hamlet1171 Words  | 5 PagesPsychoanalysis of Shakespeare’s Hamlet In the world of literature, drama is one of the more subconsciously relatable and personable subgenres. 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Hudson, who wrote nearly a hundred years ago, saw that Iago was not acting from revenge, one is moreRead MoreEssay about King Lear and Madness in the Renaissance1547 Words  | 7 PagesKing Lear and Madness in the Renaissance       It has been demonstrated that Shakespeares portrayal of madness parallels Brights A Treatise of Melancholie (Wilson 309-20), yet, the medical model alone is insufficient to describe the madness of Shakespeare’ s King Lear. Shakespeare was not limited to a single book in his understanding of madness; he had at his disposal the sum total of his societys understanding of the issue. Since Lears madness is derived from a mixture of sources,Read MoreMacbeth Essay819 Words  | 4 PagesMacbeth Essay In Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, Macbeth undergoes many psychological tribulations. There is no doubt that he is insane, but the specifics of his conditions help explain the peculiarities of the play. 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Her pressureRead MoreMacbeth Mental Essay1536 Words  | 7 Pagesobservation information from many resources such as doctor, psychiatrist, prison guards, and the dictionary. And overall I would find them very resourceful. In Shakespeare’s play Macbeth there is clearly some mental issues that the main character Macbeth battles between himself, early on in the beginning of the tragedy a side of gruesome is explained when the captain states â€Å"which nev’r shook hands, nor blade farewell to him, till he unseamedRead MoreDreams: Nightmares the Myths Facts About It!1393 Words  | 6 Pagesunfinished situations until we work through the guilt or anxiety. Freud called this a repetition compulsion. This pattern is illustrated vividly in Shakespeares Macbeth. When Lady Macbeth encourages Macbeth to murder the kind, at first she seems untroubled by her part in the murder. But her guilt shows itself in a nightmare, which finally made her lose her mind. There is also physical illness that might produce nightmare. Although it is unclear whether illness itself or the stress that accompaniesRead MoreEssay on Macbeth was Sane1049 Words  | 5 Pagesbecause he understood the significance of his thoughts and felt guilt over them. This guilt would not be present in a crazy man because a crazy man kills without remorse.  Another important matter to discuss in determining Macbeths mental state is Macbeths hallucinations. In my professional opinion, these hallucinations were not the result of insanity. I feel that they were manifestations of the stress Macbeth was feeling. In no way do they suggest that Macbeth was insane. Read More Shakespeares Othello - Iago Essay1670 Words  | 7 PagesOthello’s Iago      We find in William Shakespeare’s tragic play Othello an example of personified evil. He is the general’s ancient, Iago, and he wreaks havoc and destruction on all those under his influence.  Louis B. Wright and Virginia A. LaMar in â€Å"The Engaging Qualities of Othello†comment on how the character of Iago is the wholly expected type of villain for an Elizabethan audience:   Iago at once captures the attention of the spectator. He is the personification
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Favorite Restuarant Free Essays
My Favorite Restaurant Every year for my birthday we go out as a family to my favorite restaurant, Benihana! For those of you that are ready to have a good time with family or friends this place is definitely the place to go, but it is best to book a reservation ahead of time it isn’t a secret to society. Benihana is an all-time favorite restaurant of mine, with great location, unforgettable entertainment and an excellent menu choice. Benihana is an all-time favorite restaurant of mine because it is located in the heart of downtown, in the midst of all the city lights and city life. We will write a custom essay sample on Favorite Restuarant or any similar topic only for you Order Now When we go to Benihana we park around the block and get a horse carriage to take us to the door. Parking is free the carriage is extra. This is an excellent idea for any special occasion or just a date night on the town. The location is convenient to any of the major freeways (I-45, I-10 and 59). Aside from the location, Benihana is an excellent place to go for a fun filled night of entertainment. I can assure anyone that after an experience at the original Benihana it will be easy to see why I am declaring it to be my favorite restaurant. Benihana has unforgettable entertainment from the moment you walk in. Walking into the restaurant the guest will be greeted by the amazing aroma of some of the best food, laughter and fun for all! The server will take drink orders from each guest and when they come to bring the drink orders, the fun decorated souvenir glass starts out as a unique conversational piece, as the cook prepares the table for even more unforgettable entertainment. At Benihana the food is not only cooked it’s choreographed. The chefs will have you craving for more as they slice and dice and chop your meal before your eyes, very skilled and trained, in the art of entertainment or â€Å"eater-tainment†as they call it themselves. Each table’s personal chef will perform a uniquely amazing presentation as they cook each guest personal favorites. Everything is cooked right in front of the guest on a Japanese style on a hibachi table. The best entertainment is the entertainment your taste buds get from the outstanding menu. The menu has anything from sushi to steak. Everything is fresh no frozen, no canned, no additives! Each guest will be brought a hot towel to clean their hands. Then served a hot onion soup, as well a huge favorite to many; the salad with the Benihana dressing over the top! You can use chop sticks or the regular silver ware, it’s fun to learn how to use chop sticks, and in case you may not know how to use them, the server will be glad to give quick, fun lessons! One of my personal favorite items from the menu is the â€Å"Sea and Meadow†or better known as steak and shrimp, is served to perfection with vegies, fried rice and sauteed bean sprouts over extra more shrimp. Anything from the menu is to die for and all ranges in price from $10. 75-19. 95 not bad for steak, chicken, and shrimp, or lobster and scallops. Don’t forget to order dessert from the menu, maybe a tempura banana or rainbow sherbet. After dessert the guest have had the most memorable night in a while entertained and full to the brim. For those looking for a new favorite restaurant I would recommend Benihana or even if you are just looking for something outside the norm, or maybe a special someone is having a birthday or anniversary, this is definitely a restaurant that will leave the guest wanting to come back time and time again. Benihana is conveniently located in the heart of downtown, it’s full of surprises, and extreme diner entertainment and everything on the menu is delicious and healthy! Book your reservations and enjoy the experience that will leave a lasting memory and bring home some uniquely designed souvenir cups. How to cite Favorite Restuarant, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Metaphors By Sylvia Plath Essay Example For Students
Metaphors By Sylvia Plath Essay In Sylvia Plaths poem, Metaphors, the speaker describes a negativeevent in which she is experiencing pregnancy. Her choice of words and phrasesexpress her feelings about the pregnancy as well as the structure of the poem. In her poem, Plath chooses many metaphors to describe her pregnancy. I felt thatthese metaphors were describing something that she was not enjoying or lookingforward to. The objects she chose to use to express her feelings gave me anuncomfortable feeling of the pregnancy. The line in which she refers to aponderous house brings me to a vision of shelter. I feel that she issheltering something, but has to think deeply about sheltering this object. Thespeaker doesnt sound sure of what she is sheltering, and feels confused. Italmost seems like a feeling of regret. The line, Boarded the train theresno getting off, supports her feelings of regret. She sounds as if she has noother choice or option other than to be or remain pregnant. The line almosthints that she is stuck, so she has to continue with the decision. Thesefeelings of regret seem to be alongside her mixed feelings. The line in whichshe refers to eating a bag of green apples gives me the impression thatshe feels sick. The color green, to me, represents sickness or ill feelings. Green apples also could refer to their ripeness. The unripe green applescould be describing her feelings of not being ready for the pregnancy. Hermetaphor of a cow in a calf could mean two things. The speaker is havingher first child and doesnt feel sure of this decision, or that she, herself,is a child trying to bring another child into this world. They both convey herfeelings of not being ready to handle the situation. One line that supports hernot experiencing pregnancy is where she writes, Moneys new minted in thisfat purse. Along with referring to herself as fat, she is saying thatthis is all new to her. The pregnancy is newly minted and that shedoesnt know what to expect. Another feeling that I received from reading thispoem was that the speaker did not like the pregnancy because she was becominglarger. In the second line, she refers to an elephant. Being pregnant, a persongains a large amount of weight, and I can see her feeling as an elephant.This loafs big with its yeasty rising, refers to her getting larger asher pregnancy progresses. These metaphors all are in reference to her size. Herreference to these objects gave me the impression that along with her unsurefeeling, she resents getting larger. The way that Plath chose to form her poemis also relevant to why the speaker is not enjoying the pregnancy. The beginningline, Im a riddle in nine syllables, begins the pattern of ninesyllable lines. Each line having exactly nine syllables and containing ninelines is in reference to her length of being pregnant. This reference to thelength gives me the impression that the time she has to be pregnant is an issue. Instead of cherishing this miracle time, she seems to be bickering aboutthe time she is pregnant and is excited until nine months is over. Sylvia Plathand the elements she chose to describe a pregnancy gave me the feel ofdiscomfort. Most of the metaphors she used conveyed mixed feelings, issues ofweight gain, and impatience with the pregnancy. The speaker seemed toconcentrate on the symptoms and things that happened to her during thepregnancy, rather than on the fact that she was bringing another life into theworld. She didnt convey that she was fortunate to be involved in a miracle. .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854 , .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854 .postImageUrl , .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854 , .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854:hover , .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854:visited , .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854:active { border:0!important; } .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854:active , .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854 .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9827c64148338dfb2b58b627b5160854:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Banking crisis: Northern Rock BankInstead she focused on her misfortunes and afflictions due to the pregnancy.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Sports Memorabilia a True Hobby Essay Example For Students
Sports Memorabilia a True Hobby Essay As he stepped up to the plate, he dug his right back foot into the dirt getting a firm stance. Little did he know that the ball given to the umpire before the game which cost just nine dollars and now coming at him was going to be worth a little over 2.7 million dollars in seconds. Mark McGwire is truly a reason why a person can make money, gain notoriety and have fun while collecting memorabilia. Making money through regular jobs is one thing, making money by collecting sports memorabilia is entirely another. If one wants to make money collecting sports memorabilia, one has to be patient because collecting memorabilia is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Two main reasons why the value of sports memorabilia increases are the passage of time and the achievements of the athletes. One way to get these items before they increase in value is to attend free autograph signing sessions. Another way for one to make money is to write to an athlete and get something signed for free, then turn around and sell it. One example of this is Vince DeAngello who started this process when only a kid and now owns a very successful sports memorabilia shop. I have personally received memorabilia through letters to athletes; I have seen their value rise, then I have sold them to a sports memorabilia shop for a profit. One of the easiest ways to make money by collecting memorabilia is to follow rookies and get as much signed by them as you can. This is very convenient because rookies do not usually charge for their signatures. Also, as a first year player, rookies are more eager to sign autographs so they can make a favorable first impression. Not only can one make money by collecting sports memorabilia but one can also be seen as a hero in the eyes of the public. By collecting memorabilia, one can gain public recognition also. For example, the person who bought Mark McGwires seventieth homerun ball for $2.7 million certainly gained public recognition. Anyone who donates a piece of his or her collection of memorabilia to a sports hall of fame such as the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York, will receive a great deal of public acclaim. Such recognition was given to the Rotary club who last year donated George Bretts pine tar bat to the Rockhurst Spectacular. The retired Royals reliever Jeff Montgomery is also known as a great benefactor to many charitable organizations. Con sidered a hero to many young children, Cal Ripken Jr. is known for his willingness to sign as many autographs as are requested both before and after games. Some people gain public notoriety by having memorabilia within their homes or business. I have gained a personal reputation for the amount of memorabilia I have in my house. Former baseball star Danny Jackson, owner of the Incredibowl draws people to his business not only to bowl, but also to gaze at his vast collection of sports memorabilia. With all of this money and fame, we often forget how fun, collecting memorabilia can be. The fun of collecting sports memorabilia can take many ways, shapes and forms. It is fun to meet star athletes and get autographs to add to your collection. One can also enjoy trading and collecting with people of similar interests. Not only does this fun come by trading, but also by watching your investment rise. My friend Brad Long was fortunate enough six years ago to invest $500 in a signed Mark McGw ire jersey, which now is worth several thousands. I have also been privileged to watch my Joe Montana football go up in value. Sports memorabilia has brought many great hours of pleasure to my life, and others. I have had fun decorating rooms of my house with sports history. My neighbor and friend Jamie Quirk has also inspired me by showing me his rooms of fun with endless memorabilia. .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157 , .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157 .postImageUrl , .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157 , .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157:hover , .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157:visited , .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157:active { border:0!important; } .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157:active , .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157 .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u29e52355370c4a8dc0d3b74ece4b0157:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Plato Essay Thesis We will write a custom essay on Sports Memorabilia a True Hobby specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In conclusion, by collecting sports memorabilia a person can make money, gain notoriety and have fun. One of the nice things about collecting sports memorabilia is the possibility that a hero can emerge at any time, seeming from out of the blue. Nothing can sum that up better than the slogan used for the New York Yankees a few years ago, at any moment, a great moment. Sports Memorabilia a True Hobby Essay Example For Students Sports Memorabilia a True Hobby Essay As he stepped up to the plate, he dug his right back foot into the dirt getting a firm stance. Little did he know that the ball given to the umpire before the game which cost just nine dollars and now coming at him was going to be worth a little over 2.7 million dollars in seconds. Mark McGwire is truly a reason why a person can make money, gain notoriety and have fun while collecting memorabilia. Making money through regular jobs is one thing, making money by collecting sports memorabilia is entirely another. If one wants to make money collecting sports memorabilia, one has to be patient because collecting memorabilia is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Two main reasons why the value of sports memorabilia increases are the passage of time and the achievements of the athletes. One way to get these items before they increase in value is to attend free autograph signing sessions. Another way for one to make money is to write to an athlete and get something signed for free, then turn around and sell it. One example of this is Vince DeAngello who started this process when only a kid and now owns a very successful sports memorabilia shop. I have personally received memorabilia through letters to athletes; I have seen their value rise, then I have sold them to a sports memorabilia shop for a profit. We will write a custom essay on Sports Memorabilia a True Hobby specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now One of the easiest ways to make money by collecting memorabilia is to follow rookies and get as much signed by them as you can. This is very convenient because rookies do not usually charge for their signatures. Also, as a first year player, rookies are more eager to sign autographs so they can make a favorable first impression. Not only can one make money by collecting sports memorabilia but one can also be seen as a hero in the eyes of the public. By collecting memorabilia, one can gain public recognition also. For example, the person who bought Mark McGwires seventieth homerun ball for $2. 7 million certainly gained public recognition. Anyone who donates a piece of his or her collection of memorabilia to a sports hall of fame such as the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York, will receive a great deal of public acclaim. Such recognition was given to the Rotary club who last year donated George Bretts pine tar bat to the Rockhurst Spectacular. The retired Royals reliever Jeff Montgomery is also known as a great benefactor to many charitable organizations. Considered a hero to many young children, Cal Ripken Jr. is known for his willingness to sign as many autographs as are requested both before and after games. Some people gain public notoriety by having memorabilia within their homes or business. I have gained a personal reputation for the amount of memorabilia I have in my house. Former baseball star Danny Jackson, owner of the Incredibowl draws people to his business not only to bowl, but also to gaze at his vast collection of sports memorabilia. With all of this money and fame, we often forget how fun, collecting memorabilia can be. The fun of collecting sports memorabilia can take many ways, shapes and forms. It is fun to meet star athletes and get autographs to add to your collection. One can also enjoy trading and collecting with people of similar interests. Not only does this fun come by trading, but also by watching your investment rise. My friend Brad Long was fortunate enough six years ago to invest $500 in a signed Mark McGwire jersey, which now is worth several thousands. I have also been privileged to watch my Joe Montana football go up in value. Sports memorabilia has brought many great hours of pleasure to my life, and others. I have had fun decorating rooms of my house with sports history. .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede , .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede .postImageUrl , .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede , .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede:hover , .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede:visited , .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede:active { border:0!important; } .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede:active , .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u44c255eee9384851acccb8fa5131aede:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Through A Narrow Chink: An Ethical Dilemma Essay My neighbor and friend Jamie Quirk has also inspired me by showing me his rooms of fun with endless memorabilia. In conclusion, by collecting sports memorabilia a person can make money, gain notoriety and have fun. One of the nice things about collecting sports memorabilia is the possibility that a hero can emerge at any time, seeming from .
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Josephine Baker, Dancer, Singer, Activist, and Spy
Josephine Baker, Dancer, Singer, Activist, and Spy Josephine Baker (born Freda Josephine McDonald; June 3, 1906–April 12, 1975) was an American-born singer, dancer, and civil rights activist who overwhelmed Parisian audiences in the 1920s to become one of the most popular entertainers in France. She spent her youth in poverty in the U.S. before learning to dance and finding success on Broadway, then moving to France. When racism soured her return to the U.S., she took up the cause of civil rights. Fast Facts: Josephine Baker Known For: Singer, dancer, civil rights activistKnown As: â€Å"Black Venus,†â€Å"Black Pearl†Born: June 3, 1906 in St. Louis, MissouriParents: Carrie McDonald, Eddie CarsonDied: April 12, 1975 in Paris, FranceAwards and Honors: Croix de Guerre, Legion of HonourSpouses: Jo Bouillon, Jean Lion, William Baker, Willie WellsChildren: 12 (adopted)Notable Quote: Beautiful? Its all a question of luck. I was born with good legs. As for the rest...beautiful, no. Amusing, yes. Early Life Josephine Baker was born Freda Josephine McDonald on June 3, 1906, in St. Louis, Missouri. Bakers mother Carrie McDonald had hoped to be a music hall dancer but made her living doing laundry. Her father Eddie Carso, was a drummer for vaudeville shows. Baker left school at age 8 to work for a white woman as a maid. At the age of 10, she returned to school. She witnessed the East St. Louis race riot of 1917 before running away when she was 13. After watching the dancers in a local vaudeville house and honing her skills in clubs and street performances, she toured the United States with the Jones Family Band and the Dixie Steppers, performing comedic skits. Getting Started At 16, Baker began dancing in a touring show based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where her grandmother lived. By this time, she had already been married twice: to Willie Wells in 1919 and to Will Baker, from whom she took her last name, in 1921. In August 1922, Baker joined the chorus line of the touring show Shuffle Along in Boston, Massachusetts before moving to New York City to perform with the Chocolate Dandies at the Cotton Club and with the floor show at the Plantation Club in Harlem. Audiences loved her clowning, mugging, improvising comic style, foreshadowing her style as an entertainer. Paris In 1925 Baker moved to Paris, France, more than doubling her New York salary to $250 a week to dance at the Thà ©Ãƒ ¢tre des Champs Elysà ©es in La Revue Nà ¨gre with other African-American dancers and musicians, including jazz star Sidney Bechet. Her performance style, referred to as Le Jazz Hot and Danse Sauvage, took her to international fame riding the wave of French intoxication for American jazz and exotic nudity. She sometimes performed wearing just a feather skirt. She became one of the most popular music-hall entertainers in France, achieving star billing at the Folies-Bergà ¨re dancing seminude in a G-string ornamented with bananas. She quickly became the favorite of artists and intellectuals such as painter Pablo Picasso, poet E.E. Cummings, playwright Jean Cocteau, and writer Ernest Hemingway. Baker became one of the best-known entertainers in France and all of Europe, her exotic, sensual act reinforcing the creative forces coming out of the Harlem Renaissance in America. She sang professionally for the first time in 1930 and made her screen debut four years later, appearing in several films before World War II curtailed her movie career. Return to the US In 1936, Baker returned to the United States to perform in the Ziegfield Follies, hoping to establish herself in her home country, but she was met with hostility and racism and quickly went back to France. She married French industrialist Jean Lion and obtained citizenship from the country that had embraced her. During the war, Baker worked with the Red Cross and gathered intelligence for the French Resistance during the German occupation of France, smuggling messages hidden in her sheet music and her underwear. She also entertained troops in Africa and the Middle East. The French government later honored her with the Croix de Guerre and the Legion of Honour. Baker and her fourth husband, Joseph †Jo†Bouillon, bought an estate she named Les Milandes in Castelnaud-Fayrac, in southwestern France. She moved her family there from St. Louis and, after the war, adopted 12 children from around the world, making her home a world village and a showplace for brotherhood. She returned to the stage in the 1950s to finance this project. Civil Rights Baker was in the U.S. in 1951 when she was refused service at the famous Stork Club in New York City. Actress Grace Kelly, who was at the club that evening, was disgusted by the racist snub and walked out arm in arm with Baker in a show of support, the start of a friendship that would last until Baker’s death. Baker responded to the event by crusading for racial equality, refusing to entertain in clubs or theaters that werent integrated and breaking the color barrier at many establishments. The media battle that followed almost triggered revocation of her visa by the State Department. In 1963, she spoke at the March on Washington at the side of Martin Luther King Jr. Bakers world village fell apart in the 1950s. She and Bouillon divorced, and in 1969 she was evicted from her chateau, which was sold at auction to pay debts. Kelly, by then princess Grace of Monaco, gave her a villa. In 1973 Baker became romantically involved with American Robert Brady and began her stage comeback. Death In 1975, Bakers Carnegie Hall comeback performance was a success. In April she performed at the Bobino Theater in Paris, the first of a planned series of appearances celebrating the 50th anniversary of her Paris debut. But two days after that performance, on April 12, 1975, she died of a stroke at 68 in Paris. Legacy On the day of her funeral, over 20,000 people lined the streets of Paris to witness the procession. The French government honored her with a 21-gun salute, making her the first American woman to be buried in France with military honors. Baker had remained a bigger success abroad than in her home country. Racism tainted her return visits until her Carnegie Hall performance, but she had a profound influence worldwide as an African-American woman who had overcome a childhood of deprivation to become a dancer, singer, actress, civil rights activist, and even a spy. Sources Josephine Baker Biography: Singer, Civil Rights Activist, Dancer. Biography.com.Josephine Baker: French Entertainer. Encyclopedia Britannica.Josephine Baker Biography. Notablebiographies.com.Dancer, Singer, Activist, Spy: The Legacy of Josephine Baker. Anothermag.com.Josephine Baker: The Black Venus. Filmstarfacts.com
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Reagan's early life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Reagan's early life - Essay Example Even nowadays a phenomenon of a successful charismatic leadership of Reagan is of great interest for the society and the world’s society. His communicative leadership skills enabled him to reach success. This was one of the most important factors on the way to his success. This President was sincere and tried to respect anyone. He communicated with people fairly and always talked to them sincerely. He was sure that a successful leader had many opportunities to work at, develop communicative skills, leadership features, and find the best approach to promote his leadership potential. There is a need to support background for leadership features and any individual can become a leader, but there are special techniques to promote leadership features. His first step to success can be found in his â€Å"to think globally and act locally†. He was the author of the phrase that America is a great country and the leader should be focused on the great dreams. Reagan was much focused on promotion of leadership communicative skills among the members of his team. During his communication, Reagan inspired his people to make relevant steps and introduced his creative, innovative and realistic vision in his main goals’ setting and development. Reagan was named â€Å"The Great Communicator†, because he used vivid expressions and always reflected love to his country. He could communicate the most challenging issues to his subordinates in the easiest manner. He was fond of his country and his speeches were always positive and the country was named â€Å"the shining city on the hill†and it was the greatest in the world (For Vision and Leadership; Godspeed to Mr. Reagan, 2004). The essence of liberation and freedom were two main concerns for Reagan, because his country liberated enslaved nations. Reagan did not make an attempt to micromanage his tasks. He tried to be involved in different problems’ solving. He initiated a participatory
Monday, February 3, 2020
Detailed anaylsis of the main texts of these three thought systems Essay
Detailed anaylsis of the main texts of these three thought systems based on personal experience and knowing - Essay Example They are common in terms of theoretical deliberation and practical needs for communication, thereby paving a way for philosophical syncretism. This paper explores the greatest minds in traditional China through a close study of their most seminal teachings and texts specifically paying attention to Confucianism, Daoism, and Chinese Buddhism (Chan). The paper will discuss the main understanding of each thought based on texts and personal understanding. Confucianism was introduced in China by one of the most important thinkers called Confucius. Confucius was born in 551 B.C.E when China was experiencing a difficult political turmoil1. In his twenties, he started tutoring in different disciplines but wished to hold public office at a certain point in his lifetime. Confucius began a thirteen-year journey at the age of fifty travelling from one province to another offering the rulers of those provinces his services. However, he never got offers other than the one that he was offered in his home province of Shantung, but was too old to take it. Therefore, he decided to spend his remaining years teaching and editing the great Chinese classics. He died at 73 years of age. Although he never realized his political aspirations, he is considered as one the world’s greatest teachers and thinkers because of the ideas he developed and taught during his lifetime. Confucianism is a Chinese philosophical and ethical system that began with Confucius, who explored deeply on the basic principles that were to become the most important teachings of Confucianism. Confucianism is a complex system of social, political, moral, quasi-religious and philosophical thought that influenced the history and culture of East Asia, particularly China and still does today. Confucianism holds the belief that human beings are trainable, perfectible and improvable though communal and personal effort especially through self-creation and cultivation. The main idea that Confucianism brings
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Gender Representation in Film
Gender Representation in Film Gender is a significant reflection in development. Through it we can analyze how social norms and power structures influence on the lives and opportunities accessible to different groups of men and women. Gender analysis explores the way power is distributed between women and men, how it function, who uses it and for what reasons.In contrast to men, women control less both economical and political resources, such as property, employment and traditional positions of authority. This uneven distribution of gender relation of power is also represented in the media. Media, as a framework for interpretation and a message in the contemporary society, can have an imperative role in promoting or even obstructing gender equality, both within the working environment and in the representation of women and men. Women and men are often stereotyped and depicted unevenly by the media. Women and girls are positioned in underprivileged situations, for instance in passive and submissive roles whereas men and boys are portrayed to be more possessive in their occupations and more probable to thrive. According to Ferguson, the majority of female characters in the mass media â€Å"holds and uses private power as wives, mothers, partners†(Ferguson, 1990). Accordingly, traditional gender roles and power relations have been profoundly internalized in public’s sub consciousness through the mass media which limit the progress of both human personalities and social equality. Visual images especially, are arranged in a way that have the power to stir beyo nd the entertainment and evoke emotional responses by having a immense influence on our state of mind (Alcolaea -Bangas, 2008). As Berger (1992) pointed out â€Å"‘Like fish, we â€Å"swim†in a sea of images, and these images help shape our perceptions of the world and of ourselves†. An essential derivate of visual images are films which are adhered images together in order to create a story that transmit certain ideologies or ideas and has an impact in peoples lives. As Gerald Mast, a film scholar, affirmed, â€Å"there are fewer cultural products more influential in contemporary life than films†. Thus, those ideologies also shape our everyday perception of women. According to Dutt, Hollywood films’ portrayal of women sticked to the patriarchal structures, but later on, have veiled these messages under the faà §ade of female empowerment and independence (Dutt, 2014). According to many criticism power is at the central of a patriarchial society. Foss describes patriarchy as â€Å" a system of power relations in which men dominate women so that women’s interest are subordinates to those of man and they view themselves as inferior to men†(Foss, 1989). The portray of women can be seen in the way of how a film is constructed. Male charac ters play an active role and are shown as mentally and physically powerful. They are dominant guardians looking to â€Å"gaze†at women. On the other hand women are passive, dependent and in need for support. Furthermore a major criticism from feminist perspective has been towards the â€Å"male gaze†. Laura Mulvey used this concept to show the gender power assymety in film. Mulvey states that female are objectified in film because heterosexual men are in control of the camera. Thus, the man becomes as the dominant power inside the created film fantasy. The woman is submissive to the active gaze from the man. The use scopophylia, sexual satisfaction through viewing, to communicate adds an element of patriarchal system and it is regularly viewed in iIIusionistic narrative film (Mulvey, 1989). A very controversial representation of women can be traced in the early beginning of Hollywood era. Film Noir, is a term which is used to describe Hollywood crime dramas in 40’s and 50’s with cynical attidues and sexual motivations. During these era the concept of femme fatale flourished. The archetypal femme fatale of film noir use her sexual attractiveness and merciless manipulation to trick men in order to achieve power, money, or independence, or all of them at the same time (filmnoirstudies, 2008). Femme fatale refuses the conventional roles of devoted wife and cautious mother that mainstream society set down for women, and in the end her disobedience of social norms leads to her own distruction and the destruction of the men who are attracted to her (filmnoirstudies, 2008). Film noirs depiction of the femme fatale, according to film noir studies, aims to sustain the actual social order and especially its strictly defined gender roles by creating the powerful, inde pendent woman, only in the end to penalize her. Later during the period of 70’s and 80’s, in Hollywood, we had the muscle obsession. Blockbusters such as Rambo, Terminator, Leathal Weapon were produced where masculinity was over displayed. A dominant ideology of that time were the masculinist figure of gender that characterizes masculinity regarding the male warriorwith the attributes of great strenght, effective use of force, and military bravery as the main expressions. As Susan Bordo articulated ‘†¦muscles have mainly symbolized and maintain to symbolize masculine power as physical potency, regularly operating as a means of coding the naturalness of sexual difference. (Bordo, n.d). Genres as well assist in preserving stereotypes in cinema (Gledhill, 2012). For example, war, action, spy films are considered male film genres, and romantic, comedy film are female genres with a female protagonist. However, in the 90’s we saw the surfacing of some female actions heroes defined by a quality of â€Å"m asculinity†. Sigourney Weaver in Aliens, confronted those cultural norms. She was putted as Judith Butler would call a â€Å"gender performance†where she was required to perform the stereotypical â€Å"masculinity†as a strong and dominant warrior. Tasker (1998) articulates this â€Å"as an enactment of a muscular masculinity involving a display of power and strength over the body of the female performer†(Tasker, 1998). Nowadays, referring to Dutt, in most of the films women are obliged to incorporate everything. They must be tough and aggressive but also beautiful and sexy. This is the â€Å"empowered†woman of corporate consumer society’ (Dutt, 2014). For example in the film â€Å"The Devil Wears Prada†, women and power are main themes throughout the film. Female power relationships examined in the film shows how women exercise power effectively to race in the world of business. The film is a good illustration which shows how a women shatter through traditional gender stereo-types and exercise a leadership type associated with masculinity. The protagonist Miranda Priestley, is depicted as a powerful women often associated as the â€Å"devil†boss who is ruthless, demanding and very hard hard to please. The film prehending the way gender relations with leadership is practiced in the work-place. On the other hand, Juno, an independent non-Hollywood film gives a more realistic representation of women’s. The film is about a young girl who becomes pregnant during the high-school by his teen boy-friend. According to Dutt her character signify an rising cultural formulation of girl hood that have as a attribute independence and strength (Dutt, 2014). Juno is someone who is unconventional and indifferent with her appearance. She doesn’t care what others think of her and takes the decisions for herself. For instance, she doesn’t listen to her mother and boyfriend and decides to keep the baby. As Dutt points out, her agency marks a considerable progression for female portrayals in films. She embodies the ‘visual characterization of newly emerging constructions of girls that fuse particular aspects of traditional â€Å"femininity†and â€Å"masculinity†’(Dutt, 2014). References Alcolea-Banegas, J. (2008). Visual Arguments in Film.Argumentation, 23(2), pp.259-275. Berger, A. (1991). Seeing Is Believing: An Introduction to Visual Communication.The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 49(1), p.101. Bordo, S. (1999).The male body. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Dutt, R. (2014).Behind the curtain: women’s representations in contemporary Hollywood. MSC. London School of Economics. Ferguson, M. (1990). Images of power and the feminist fallacy.Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 7(3), pp.215-230. Filmnoirstudies.com, (2008).Film Noir’s Progressive Portrayal of Women – A Film Noir Studies Essay. [online] Available at: http://www.filmnoirstudies.com/essays/progressive.asp [Accessed 12 Mar. 2015]. Foss, S. (1989).Rhetorical criticism. Prospect Heights, Ill.: Waveland Press. Mast, G. (n.d.).How to watch movies intellegently. [online] Bluffton.edu. Available at: http://www.bluffton.edu/~mastg/Watchingmovies.htm [Accessed 10 Mar. 2015]. Mulvey, L. (1989).Visual and other pleasures. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Tasker, Y. (2002).Working girls. London: Routledge.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Ciba-Geigy founded in 1750s has come to many changes in their business strategy from case-by-case decisively to be one of proactive planning for the future with corporate portfolio planning which allowed Ciba to decentralise into diversified businesses. At their latest reorganization, Ciba had five categories: Development, Growth, Pillar, Niche and Core allocated from 14 divisions with 33 sub-business units. Each division in each category has separate responsibility to the whole portfolio, for example, the Pigment division in Core category had the role of cash provider. Therefore, it was difficult for this division to access to capital, major investment would violate their mandate, and payback period was set at two to three years. However, the Pigments division head recently proposed the plan for major investment in comprehensive modernization of a manufacturing plant in Newport which was the only global source for Sfr 130 million in sales of Quinacridone (HPP) pigments. Ciba needed to decide whether or not to invest in Newport and choose among three options: invest fully, invest partially in Newport or close it. Recommendation: Based on Lippuner’s two questions in corporate planning portfolio strategy on new business, there are two reasons for Ciba to treat the investment in Newport as exception to invest. Besides, they should choose option one which committed a full investment of around US $140 million. Firstly, this investment improved Newport plant from high maintenance costs and frequent failure in production to become the plant with the leading-edge standards for productivity, safety, and friendly to environment. This investment also opened opportunity for Ciba to produce DPP, which protected Ciba’s leading market position in HPP pigment when DPP pigment’s patent protection was set to expire in 2000 – 2002. Limited investment in option two did not bring Ciba’s Pigment division the leading-edge knowledge and maintained the capability for innovative edge; therefore, it was out of Ciba’s strategy for new business. Secondly, this investment reinforced synergistic efforts between Pigment and other division in current portfolio. Although it was huge investment in core category, the pigment division still maintained to have a positive cash flow and payback period was within 3 years. Besides, Ciba should learn from the lesson of the pharmaceutical business which uelled other categories and came under difficulty in the recession. The same problem would happen in Pigment segment if Ciba did not invest in Pigment. However, we did not know how much Pigment contributed in the cash flow of the portfolio, so we could not evaluate if the whole portfolio could handle the investment period when there was a short of cash from Pigment. If not, Ciba should choose option three: close Newport and move it to Alabama or Louisiana as a less risky plan.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Impact of Strike in an Organization Essay
The impact of strike to an organization Article by Rajalakshmi Rahul on June 11, 2012 Discuss now (0) Go to comments An organizational strike not only destroys the power of labor at its source while still professing theoretical support for the right to strike, but also causes many other losses. Labor on the other hand in demanding freedom to use the organizational strike is seeking an instrument fundamental to its rising power. The right to strike restricted in any way is the right shorn of some of its power (International Confederation for Free Trade Unions, 1989). The economic losses of the employer cause by a strike are incapable of precise calculation. The loss of profits is only one item in the total losses that an employer may suffer. The employer’s business may be crippled because of the loss of the market connection beyond the period of strike; goodwill may be lost; and the idle machines may get spoilt. Additional expenditure may have to be incurred on protecting the plant and on strike breaking activities (Howell, 2005). Publicity and propaganda are yet other items adding to its costs. Besides the loss of mental peace, respect and status in the community cannot be calculated in terms of money. The adverse affects of a strike on the workers are the loss of wages, and fringe benefits contracting of debts, personal hardships and loss of employment. It is difficult to assess the wage and production losses on account of a strike. Any calculation of wage losses from pay roll gives only a partial picture. In addition the strike may leave the union weakened and divided to the satisfaction of the employer Thus, strikes involve both economic and non economic costs for the employer and if at the extreme of strike he has to concede the demands of the striker’s additional burdens are imposed. However certain other elements which mitigate the losses also form a part of the economic calculation of the cost of a strike. References †¢Howell C (2005), Trade Unions and the State, Princeton University Press, New Jersey. †¢International Confederation for Free Trade Unions (1989), Employment and structural change in Indian industries, Cengage Learning, USA.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Slavery DBQ - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1006 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/05/13 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Slavery Essay Did you like this example? Civil rights was mostly in the years 1950s and 1960s. Almost everything started during Reconstruction. Slavery has not needed discrimination against black people. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Slavery DBQ" essay for you Create order Slavery Banned in the North is one of the important topics there is. Their is also Abolish Slavery. Black to gain equal rights under the law of the United States, officially try to stop slavery. Also by mid-20 century, African Americans had enough violence and prejudice against them. In the northern states banned slavery in the early as 1807. Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New york and New Jersey, this are the states that had slavery during which is in 1777. In the Slavery timeline in 1619 in Virginia the first Africans appear to have been indentured. Majority slaves transported africa, West Indians. In the 1787 states emancipation law was created to free North. After this happened Congress enacts the Fugitive slaves the rights to habeas corpus The law of freedom of slaves pass to punish there who slavery-catches who kidnap free balcks. Being punished was the right thing, even if slavery was not all the was a law to free them. Nat Turner, who believes he had the right to do something to the slaves. In Virginia his people, followers killed up to 57 white people unsuccessful, and 200 slaves were killed in total. The Black history behind slavery has lots of important times. Talking about Africa today, we are thinking about how poor third world continent, Western nations to survive. the sixteenth and Resendiz 2 seventeenth centuries, when Europeans first began exploring the world, Africa back than was a rich continent. Eager to trade her copper and gold, leather goods for the white mans pans, pots, guns and alcohol. In 1492 theres is man name Christopher Columbus, everyone whos him as the man who discovered America. He had a lot to be with slaves of other black Africans. He was still in the year of slavery and was very well thinkful of those who went through slavery and started to ask for Slaves. Why would he want slaves? He wanted slaves because he would trade them with guns because he wanted to be someone big. Being a slave was like being in prison well not actually, it was like been in prison. They would make them work for hours straight with them having absolutely. They would be chained together and marched to the coast. Not caring if they were configurable or what they would think or say. They didnt have the right to speak or have an opinion. When they would take them to be a slave they sometimes had to wait days or even weeks and it was not present to be in a straight line walking. They would always eat beans, corn, yams, rice, and palm oil. And that was just the best food because they had worse. Having to move fast enough to be caught up with the people that has the right to order you. Thats what they thought, that they were the kings of their own crow. It was very bad luck to those who didnt or couldnt complete their journey and were to lick to complete their request pace, they wouldnt care and leave them there died or alive. Now that this has happened the people in Africans had to go back to Europe. There was this thing that developed called The Triangular Trades. Shipping slaves to the Americas, brought goods to them who are in the Americas back to Europe. Antebellum America was slaves been sold. The slaves would be brought from the pen and in turn stand raised platform and the buyers would just buy them and leave with them not Resendiz 3 caring in what they think, because all they were was just slaves. Slavery in the 1800s it was big in the United States not just the states but also Territories. Slavery was different in every Country. What did not change what is the treatment like whipping and sexual abuse, including rape, were common. Specially in Africa it was different in Europe, but how was it different? In Europe slavery was called chattel. This means property, this means the slaves were saved not like in Africa where they had no safety. But no differences work it was hard and difficult. They were still taken as prisoners of war also Were punished for crime even if they didnt do it. Tested good to Europe and people who were boss of the slaves because their country would a grow. That did it so much good to the Europeans but not to the slaves slaves didnt really care about what was going on about the whole growing. It was actually more work for them. Although most slaves were not brought to North America. The strangest thing, that was surprising, you would expect for all slave owners to be white race. Well, no there was not only white slave owners. There was a black man who was a slave owner named James Pendarvis. Small information about him is that he was from Colleton, his father which is Joseph Pendarvis who was not black, but white. He , James Pendarvis was the oldest. His father died in the year 1798 but he did so much work he had three plantations and almost about 156 slaves. Declaration of Independence 1776 was also part of slavery. Until in 1865 Declaration of Independence was stopped. How long did slavery go through in what year did it stopped? Also in 1865 is when slavery ended it was very difficult for those who went through slavery to now see that they are free. Who ended slavery. Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery. This was before ratification of the third amendment. The man that that slavery end it was on December 1865. Revolutionary War there laws were passed mostly in the Northern. In collusion of all of this slavery it was very important for those who went through slavery. But after slavery was done how were lives be with they changed will they be the same. Will it change good to bad, or bad. Actually their lives were better for good.
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