Monday, September 30, 2019
Giovanni Boccaccio Essay
Im going to write an essay on Giovanni Bocccaccio and tell about him and his works and their affect to the middle-age literature and the literature today. As my sources Im going to use the illustrated history of Europe, wikipedia, and Who was Giovanni Boccaccio? When did he live? What is he known of? How did he affect the late middle-age literature and the literature today? Who was Giovanni Boccaccio? Giovanni Boccaccio was an Italian Renaissance humanist, author and a poet. He lived during the years 1313-1375. Giovanni Boccaccio was born near Florence in Italy. His father was a successful banker, who wanted him to have a practical education and to follow his footsteps as a wealthy businessman. His father often took Giovanni with him to business trips, so he could see what his life will be like when he grows up. Giovanni Boccaccio studied banking and religious law, although he was not very interested in them. Later on he even said that he regretted the time that was lost in these studies. He was more interested in literature and classical learning. His father never supported or accepted his plans on literature. He always thought that Boccaccio should have been a respected businessman. It is believed that Boccaccio was tutored by Giovanni Mazzuoli and received an early introduction to the works of Dante from him. When Boccaccio and his father moved to Naples in 1326, Boccaccio found many teachers at the university and at the court. He learned Italian poetry, ancient mythology, astronomy, and Greek. He also began to do what he really wanted to do, which was writing. Boccaccio and his father left Naples in 1341, because they escaped the plague and because Boccaccio`s father had to go work to Florence. Boccaccio did not want to leave Naples, because he didn’t like Florence that much. However, he spent the rest of his life in or near Florence. There he composed his most famous works such as the Decameron and the Famous Woman which were revolutionary at the time. In the autumn of 1350 Boccaccio received Francesco Petrarch as his guest in Florence, whose biography he had written shortly (De vita et moribus, F. P.). It was the beginning of a lifelong friendship. He supported and encouraged Boccaccio to go on with his passion for literature. Giovanni Boccaccio was also influenced by many others. In his lifetime he had three children, even though he was never married. Mario and Giulio were born in the 1330s. Violente was born in the 1340 ´s. Giovanni Boccaccio died in 1375 from the causes of various illnesses, obesity and finally heart failure. By the time he died he had made many works that even today affect our lives. When did he live? Giovanni Boccaccio lived during the late middle-age period to the very early renaissance. Boccaccio was ahead of his time. He was one of the first humanists with Patrarch. Renaissance was a cultural movement that was roughly in the 14th to the 17th century. As a cultural movement, it was all about literature, science, art, religion, and politics, and a resurgence of learning based on classical sources. Giovanni Boccaccio was one of the first writers of renaissance. This shows how revolutionary his work was already in the 1330 ´s. What is he known of? Giovanni Boccaccio was a very revolutionary figure of the time, because he used females in his works as main characters, which was a new idea. Later other authors copied this idea. His work are very precious to us, because they tell us a reliable picture of the life in the late middle-ages as it was. Giovanni Boccaccio’s most known work is the Decameron, that he made between the years 1348–1351. It tells about ten young men and women, that escaped the plague to a remote villa near Florence. The word Decameron is translated to ten-days, which refers to the fact that they spent ten days telling stories in the villa. During the ten days they share 100 tales about topics such as love, trickery, and fortune. These tales form a larger story which can also be read alone. The Decameron was very popular at the time. Readers enjoyed its lively speeches, wordplays and intense plots. Giovanni knew how to mix humor and romance into one working piece. In this work Boccaccio gathered material from many sources: the French fabliau, Greek and Latin classics, folklore, and observations of contemporary Italian life. The prose of the Decameron, in its balanced, rhythmic cadences, became the model of Italian literary prose. Many other writers later used the Decameron in different ways in their own works. The church did not like the Decameron. On Famous Women he wrote about women who became learned, wrote, and even had battles and ruled kingdoms. Boccaccio’s moral approach to history suited both medieval and Renaissance readers. Which is also a reason that he was so famous and respected. Later renaissance writers used the books as sources for their own works once again. His most famous poem is probably II Filostrato, published in 1335. It tells about Calcas, a Trojan prophet who had foreseen the fall of the city and joined the Greeks. Shakespeare got the inspiration for Troilus and Cressida from the II Filostrato. Troilus and Cressida is a tragedy that Shakespeare made in 1602. Boccaccio was also a very well educated man. Boccaccio shared his knowledge and love of the ancient world with others. In Genealogy of the Pagan Gods that he wrote between the years (1350–1373), he created a complete catalog of pagan mythology. This book became a major reference work for much of the Renaissance. Giovanni Boccaccio also had a huge respect to the study of ancient Greek literature. He established a position for a professor of Greek at the University of Florence. He encouraged the new professor to translate the great Greek writers Homer and Euripides into Latin. Through his writings and his share to the study of the ancient world, Boccaccio had a lasting impact on the Renaissance and on the rest of the western history. Some selected example ´s from Giovanni Boccaccios works: II Filostrato (1335), Filocolo (1337), Teseida (1341), Comedy of the Florentine Nymphs (1342), The Amorous Vision (1343), La Fiammeta (1344), Life of Dante (1355), Fates of Illustrious Men in Latin (1360), The Decameron (1348-1351), The Famous Women (1374) How did he affect the late middle-age literature and the literature today? Giovanni Boccaccio ´s affect to the literature of that time and today is huge. He wrote about things that nobody else had the courage to write about at the time. For example about woman as the main characters that had power to decide about important decisions and had a high position in the community. The Famous Women is a good example of his revolutionary way of thinking. It is a collection of biographies of 106 historical and mythological women, as well as some of Boccaccio’s Renaissance contemporaries. Giovanni Boccaccio had a big impact on other authors and poets, who used his work as source material. For example Geoffrey Chaucer ´s, Shakespeare ´s, and John Dryden ´s works were influenced by Boccaccio ´s works. He and Petrarch are said to be the founders of humanism. Giovanni Boccaccio was a man that basically protested against the morals at that time by writing about woman and other revolutionary things. He was ahead his time and was respected by many fellow authors. His works were famous and are is still precious to us, because we can take a realistic view of the late middle-ages through his work. Many other authors also got inspired by Boccaccio ´s work and still do.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Revolutionizing the World Through Social Responsibility Essay
Businesses won’t be able to function effectively and efficiently without the help of the government. People are having a hard time figuring out the role of businesses in line with the aftermaths of different scandals and fiascos in the past. Friedman also wrote in his essay in 1972: â€Å"The Social Responsibility of businesses is to generate money. †After hearing a lot of Corporate Social Responsibility talks, this one line fairly caused a bit of confusion for me. Businesses’ sole purpose and objective is to generate money. It’s implied. But whenever I hear Social Responsibility, I think of the words â€Å"philanthropy†and â€Å"non-profit†. But I think what Friedman meant in his essay is that in order for businesses to fully grasp their social responsibility in this economy is to first generate profit because that’s a start. They won’t be able to participate in this whole social responsibility thing if they don’t have impact capital. Businesses are created to do several ranges of things. First is to deliver superior value. They should help in the repair of damaged status quo. Second is to be mindful of their social impact. Businesses should use themselves to influence and promote social responsibility. Lastly, they should create and uphold new equilibrium. In this age wherein inequality is very rampant, businesses should initiate change and promote equality in their system then to the society. Businesses should create world changing impact. It’s what we need. In order for this to take place, there should be a cross-section collaboration between the government & business and philanthropy & non-profit. People should stop placing all the work to the private sectors can solve our problems and blaming them if they won’t be able to address the people’s problems. The speaker mentioned something about forces that can drive new movement in the supply chain. First is impact investing wherein capitalists create social benefit and drive economic return. One example is the disruptive model of a business called Zipcar. Zipcar encourages people to share a car, thus, taking cars off the road rather than putting more cars on the road which is better for the renter, sharer and most importantly, to the planet. Impact investing later on flows to demand. Businesses drive meaning & money and profit & purpose in order for them to generate profit and impact. The government plays a very vital role on the impact economy. It creates rules of the road in which firms can succeed. In which investors and entrepreneurs can thrive. The speaker enumerated four main functions of the government in order for them to participate fully in the impact economy. First, the government encourages standards. These standards help in the facilitation of common metrics. Global Impact Investing Reporting Standards (GIIRS) is one example. GIIRS evaluate firms’ performances to determine the social good that the business creates. Second, the government helps facilitate access. They help small and large businesses to gain entrance in the economy. Third, the government creates incentives. These incentives are powerful because they encourage people to be part of purpose-driven businesses. Lastly, it erects guardrails to protect the interest of the public. After watching this, it made me aware of the important roles played by businesses and the government. True enough. Businesses wouldn’t function well without the help of the government and vice versa. Collaboration between them should be fully applied. The government creates conditions in which businesses could succeed. Businesses help balance the economy with its clarification of the market with the mix of incentives. If these two function effectively together, impact economy can change our lives for the better. written by: Pamela Jessica V. Zaragoza Revolutionizing the World Through Social Responsibility – Speaker: Jonathan Greenblatt
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Knowledge Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Knowledge Management - Essay Example This paper, will therefore, discuss some of these challenges facing knowledge management with regard to business company located in Latin America and Caribbean. The major challenges facing companies is how to disseminate crucial information to all members of the organization and to the contracting parties in timely and proper manner. This challenge is trigged by lack of proper synthesizing of the information processing technologies and the lack of ability in members to learn and apply technology to improve human relationship. Another challenge is the management of individuals in knowledge and information sharing to create a common harmonious working team. The challenge includes the ability of the company to change the minds of its followers, to create a common understanding. The big challenge here is on how the company should create a culture of sharing, learning, innovation through the collective knowledge and intelligence of people it works with. Adapting to changes and flexibility is another challenge that may face the company operating in these fast growing economies. The company may encounter difficulties in executing the contracts due to the rapid changes in information flow concerning policies and regulations in the business sector. The voice of People who are experience in this sector and environment go unnoticed by company sometimes. In addition, the challenge of shared leadership is a major problem that may face the company, particularly in this new environment. The experience and skilled workers, in the field of sales and contract execution may be denied the platform to learn and design new methods that can help boost contracting power and sale for the company. The focus for the company should be in integrating all these three aspects through information technology adoption. The company should facilitate efficient and prompt information sharing and innovations by providing the necessary
Friday, September 27, 2019
Mock Concept Paper for Dissertation Research Proposal
Mock Concept Paper for Dissertation - Research Proposal Example Employment gives people tasks and responsibilities that keep them busy, which leaves them with little time to engage in vices that might lead to criminal activities. The most common methods of crime prevention are through deterrence, which is achieved by incarcerating offenders in jails, prisons and penitentiaries. The basic principle with this method is that it denies offenders their basic freedoms of movement and association amongst others. Depending on the terms of their incarceration, offenders eventually get to return to their communities and societies, which are referred to as reentry. The process of reentry poses different challenges depending on the nature of their communities and societies. This is because there exist various stereotypes and perceptions with regard to people who have been involved with crime. The degree of successful reentry into society after incarceration determines the levels or extent of recidivism of offenders. Previous research studies have established a connection or relation between employment, reentry and recidivism of offenders in society. Various factors play a role in determining the success or failure of re-integrating back into society or their recidivism into crime and incarceration. Employment is a key factor in these matters because it determines whether they are able to cater for their needs in a sustainable and lawful manner. Statement of the Problem The role of employment as a factor in offender reentry and recidivism provides a potential avenue for further study into the role that it can play in rehabilitation efforts away from institutions. Employment ensures that offenders are engaged in constructive endeavors that benefit themselves and their community. Various factors influence the ability of offenders to acquire or attain employment after they rejoin their communities. These factors have varying effects depending on the individual and characteristic society or community. As it has been established by previous studies, employment or its lack is a major instigator of crime. This is because; employment provides a source of livelihood, without which an individual is forced to seek alternative means of earning a living. In today’s world, alternative sources of earning a livelihood are permeated with illegal aspects that land people in jail. There are various independent (IV), dependent variables (DV), mediating and moderating variables that have been the subject of research studies regarding their influence on employment and crime (Fairchild & Mackinnon, 2009). A key construct in the journal article ‘Reentry and the Ties that Bind: An Examination of Social Ties, Employment and Recidivism’, are the social ties of an offender reentering society (Berg & Huebner, 2011). Researchers in this study found out that offenders who maintained social ties with their families and obtained steady work were less likely to recidivate (Berg & Huebner, 2011). A research study was conducted u nder the title, â€Å"Predicting Recidivism for Released State Prison Offenders: Examining the Influence of Individual and Neighborhood Characteristics and Spatial Contagion on the Likelihood of Re-incarceration†(Stahler et al. 2013). In another research study, the effects of Minnesota Prison-Based Educational Programming on Recidivism and Employment were
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Finance Problems Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Finance Problems - Speech or Presentation Example A14. (Stock valuation) Suppose Toyota has nonmaturing (perpetual) preferred stock outstanding that pays a $1.00 quarterly dividend and has a required return of 12% APR (3% per quarter). What is the stock worth? By looking at the table and the percentage of increases and decreases among the 3 types of bonds, it is apparent that the interest-rate risk is higher for longer versus shorter bonds. The longer ones are more volatile, which signifies the level of risk for the investor. Bond 3 has the highest volatility among the three. Because the payment to be received would only amount to 150, the future value of the investment only amounts to 150. The number of periods is 3.5 years. Because the coupon rate at 1000 face value is 9.5%, the investor receives 95 in interest payments. Therefore, the expected rate of return amounts to -1.34%. If the company can pay the principal in the end of the contract, the future value would amount to 1,000. Then the number of years in which interest is paid is 10 years, providing an expected rate of return of 22.42%. In order to compute for the value of the stock, all the dividend payment should be discounted back to the present, as well as the terminal price. Therefore, the dividend in year 2 is discounted using the hurdle rate of 13% for two years. This amounts to 0.78. Then the terminal price is determined using the dividend growth model, where the dividend in year 3, which has grown by 6% to 1.06, is divided by the difference between the hurdle rate and the growth rate. Thus, the terminal price of the stock is 15.14. But this is the price at year 3. It has to be discounted back to the present using the hurdle rate of 13%. Thus, the present value of the terminal price is 11.86. In order to get the final value, the present value of the dividend should be added to the terminal price which amounts to 12.64. This will be James valuation. On the other hand, for Bret, the same procedure should be utilized. In order to compute for the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The developments of salt glazed and alkaline glazed Assignment
The developments of salt glazed and alkaline glazed - Assignment Example These colors together with the introduction of the salt glaze produced an attractive and eye-appealing pieces of artwork that made them stand above most of their competitors. Moreover, their style of using the quirky incised decorations of fish and birds on their pottery. Together with revolutionizing of pottery to wider wares made them stand above everybody else in the industry at that time (Quimby & Ian). Alkaline Glaze stoneware of Western Piedmont in the North Carolina is the most appealing among the other regions. Their potters were Daniel Seagle, Franklin and John Goodman, David Hartsoe, together with Ritchie and Reinhardt. They majored in making types of jugs of different sizes. They had modest farms and used clay that had a high percentage of iron and rutile that gave their wares the strength and attractive dark variegated appearance. In addition, they were among the few potteries that embraced slip painting and emblem decorations using different streaks of melted windowpane glasses. Furthermore, they were among the first potters to shift from the earth wares to stoneware, indicating their innovativeness (Quimby &
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Research Question Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Research Question - Coursework Example Lastly, the study of supply chain management is important at the society level. In this respect, a well-managed supply chain within the society creates employment and improves the standard of living. The functions of purchasing and logistics tend to contribute positively to the supply chain performance in a number of ways. The purchasing and logistics influence the efficiency of the supply chain by increasing the competitiveness of the organizations (Yang, 2012). Notably, the functions of the logistics and purchasing facilitate supply chain to achieve customer satisfaction, timely processing clients’ orders, and efficient delivery the ordered good and services (Schroeder, 2010). In this respect, timely purchase and delivery of goods and services ensures that companies attract and retain new and existing clients. In essence, purchasing and logistics optimize supply chain. In turn, the effective and well-organized supply chain maximizes operational performance, as well as, profit margins. Moreover, functions of purchasing and logistics augment supply chain to realize sustainable competitive
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Marketing Research Discussions and the Understanding of the Paper
The Marketing Discussions and the Understanding of the Marketing Mix Concept - Research Paper Example Research is the amalgamation of data that has been taken over a period of time. It takes into account the qualitative as well as the quantitative details which are pursued a particular area of study and hence the results are envisaged only after the research has been completed. Research is a fact-finding exercise and it requires extensive planning and allocation of much-needed resources on the part of the researching party. The purpose of research is to seek answers that are raised in the wake of different queries and questions. The problems are solved after data is gained with the help of different tools and methodologies which come under the research heading. There are two different research methodologies - the primary research and the secondary research, both of which require the extensive finding of data and knowledge on the researcher's part. The primary research methods include sampling through questionnaires, survey methods, and one-on-one interviews. The questionnaires could be open-ended where there is room for respondents to spell out as much information as needed or these could be close-ended where the respondents are tied to certain answers from which they need to choose. These could also be mixed ended - having a combination of open-ended and close-ended questions and queries. The survey could be through interviews and questionnaires. This is basically a case of quantitative research where quantities and figures could be tabulated rather than quality which is judged through the use of secondary research methods. The secondary research methods include the usage of books, journals, websites, encyclopedia and other related information and knowledge which have already been sorted out and has been documented for pretty much the same purposes.Both primary and secondary pieces of research are used in unison so that the whole process of carrying out research is backed up with a solid basis of evidence and proof. The quantitative methods of marketing resear ch include the approaches that basically compute numbers and data, not concerning with the quality of the input which is being collected and rather focusing on the sheer quantity.Â
Sunday, September 22, 2019
How Did the Buildings and Landscapes of the Secular Elite Shape Term Paper
How Did the Buildings and Landscapes of the Secular Elite Shape Medieval Settlement and Social Relationships - Term Paper Example Deer parks were formed only on those estates of the very rich, nobility and the great clerics, who spent much of their time hunting, however by the end of the15th century, according to Michael Reed (page 124) the wood contained in the parks had become more valuable than the deer. Deer are notorious for stripping bark and so destroying woodland and the animals would be excluded in order to allow the trees to grow undamaged. Occasionally land in private ownership would pass back into public ownership as when Henry VIII gave his private hunting ground, Sutton Park to the people of Sutton Coldfield in 1528, as described on the web page Sutton Coldfield, but this did not necessarily mean it could then be farmed. When poor men hunt it is called poaching and punishable, but it was the rich who had the horses, weapons, and birds of prey, so once again it was they who were the main beneficiaries. The deer park was of economic importance in that it provided food, leather, wood etc, but also employment for many people. Just as with the fish ponds they provided an easily available larder of fresh food before the advent of modern-day preserving methods and chill rooms and freezers. Hunting was an expensive pastime but there were other advantages in that if the king was kept happy then social advancement was possible. The Medieval Source Book recording an Inquest of the Sheriffs Regarding the Forests in 1170 mentions reward, promise, and friendship as being the products of hunting. Hunting was both a pleasure and a necessity – a way of entertaining guests and also of filling their bellies. By the later medieval period new methods of farming were being used and hunting for survival was no longer required. Instead, hunting moved on from being a necessity into a stylized pastime for the aristocracy. James III of Scotland in the 15th century had several hunting lodges, as described by Gilbert, 2003, (page 42).Â
Saturday, September 21, 2019
On Education in Modern India Essay Example for Free
On Education in Modern India Essay As I was sat down, trying to ‘learn’ chemistry one Friday evening, I began thinking on our education system due to which I had to study in such a poor way; it’s a pity, that I have started hating the subject, or all subjects for that matter, the more the examinations approached. To that end, I wrote a poem later – my debut poem, with which I’d like to introduce the topic; her it goes: â€Å"Education†for Progress You take a pot and fill it with water, the ocean still remains, You make the pot bigger, to douse the house’s flames And you make it even bigger, till you wash all of hell. But as men march on in time’s way, so do the forces grow, That bar the door of wisdom, till it maketh a man (a) crow; And once, but out the feathers come, than you just lo: For cells have formed where ere was Eden, And into the Saharan sands hath Plato been driven; Till now, had man’s asininity been aeon ridden? You look across many a book or any common mind, And surprised you may well be, to find: The fountain remains flowing as ever, waiting for Its very first drinker. But heads of men are now sore, And they allow not the thirsty to have a pour, But Indian crabs as they are, they pull him back onto shore. They set for education a Hammurabi’s code, And state it on an Economist’s ode: not the fountain Whose drink all doth desire, but a mere factory by the road That gives not many the bliss which they hope, but pain; Agony from not just failing to educate the self, But excruciation seeing others that too need help. The birth of a boy sees many a new colour: Businessman, engineer, NRI or a doctor. The scholar of yore is seen no more As machines of the line’s grown stronger than before. The student of the day is not the knowledge seeker, But a piece of iron thrown in the hands of a ‘caster’; That moulds and melts him not into the Being, But a mercantile golem that lives to seek a living. To commend its superiors enjoying the beauteous Nature, Whilst it toils in turmoil on these pans of fire: Institutes that teach not to analyze and wonder, But to gobble, espouse, vomit and then†¦just wander. So, do we just give tests and go on becoming another mechanical product of this degree-machine, or relieve ourselves of this blunder? We find that today, education has reached such a stage, that the difference between the educated and the uneducated, is but a degree (or no degree), however the other may know; which reminds me of what a teacher of mine once said: â€Å"†¦You may wonder at the fact, that I have said Euclid and Aristotle together. You see, in the ancient world, the gift we had got, was the scholar, not the B.Tech, M.A., or B.Sc. (Hons). Thus, you get the same Pythagoras, who devised the theorem, AC2 = BC2 + AB2, giving the theory of transmigration of souls – two very different subjects, philosophy and mathematics, but the very same person.†Indeed, today we do lack such people, for the very fact that, India today is not the divine land where knowledge is respected – the land where the greatest university of the time exists, but a machine designed ages ago, to churn out Indian Civil Service workers, extended beyond into independent India by mistake (rather ignorance and lack of understanding), and united with the pre-ancient Indian processes of rote-learning, to make another machine, completely satisfactory in its ability and purpose of creating doctors and engineers, who work completely like a machine, with no interest in finding new methods or discovering new techniques or findings, but just working as per the age old methods engineered earlier, or today, but certainly by foreigners. The primary cause I believe, which has led to this is the method of education provided by society on him, from day one onwards – the very same day the student sees school that is. But first, let us have a look at the ‘ideal’ student, as society – the Indian society – views him. Is it not a boy, well in attire, i.e. in a neat and clean uniform, sitting in front of the table, with a book in front of him, learning what is written in the book, by-heart, writing down all that he has learnt, and at the end of the year, coming out with flying colours in his report-card? To those who find no problem with this, my question is â€Å"Why the farce?†Why the farce of such a false scene that has been idolized, to kill even the Einstein’s that our country has created? Is it that we have been so much into this claptrap of the rote-learner being the ideal, that we form this leucoma, to fail seeing through this farcical non-sense? Now, let us have a look at the true side of this story – the story that many of us have to go through, especially the ‘hopeless’ and the ‘fools’. As the young mind enters the nursery, he is forced to accept what he is told – a good method to teach language the fast way, but, the real problem occurs, when this process is extended into subjects which require full understanding, like mathematics. The student learns that two plus two is four, rarely because two objects and two objects come in to make a number o objects we call four, but rather because it makes four, be all and end all. And practicing thus, he goes on to learn tables, least understanding, what fives times three actually means. Thus, this process of forced learning create a feeling of boredom and the people who become successful, hence, are those who can accept these facts easily, little realizing the beauty that lies behind of the subject that lies beyond it, or the logic of why they are doing such, and at times, even, what they are actually doing, as an interview I carried out on standard three and four students, indicated – they knew very well, that eight into nine is seventy-two, without even the basic knowledge of why it is not seventy-one or seventy-three for that matter; it was seventy-two because they had learnt it to be seventy two PERIOD! It reminds me of Einstein’s â€Å"Concepts that have proven useful in ordering things easily achieve such authority over us, that we forget their earthly origins and accept them as unalterable givens.†(Translated from German) Worse still happens, when we try to extend this method into higher education, especially in the science and arts streams. Speaking of science, wherein I fit, the last blow on the camel’s back comes, when we are forced to accept theory and practical as two different ‘papers’, rarely finding the link lying between them. The only aim the students form now, is to get marks by properly doing what lay in front of us, finding the ‘correct’ answer, and finally, getting the marks. After that, there is nothing more to discover, and in some experiments, they don’t even figure out what physical quantity they are measuring. Some of us again, like a very good engineer, try understanding the things, from what is written in theory, which we have learnt by reading the book – thus, we tend to believe the book at each stage, even at the cost of manipulating the results of our experiments; little do we thus learn, that the value of ‘g’ which we got as 7.9 – 8.1 is actually the correct one, and not 9.81. Thus, we even fail to realize our foolishness. Computer Science is in fact, the only exception to this rule, as in it, we know why we are doing something, clearly, at least to the level of gates, which is generally considered the base of computing – at least as far as the programmer is concerned; which is perfectly acceptable. But as far as the other subjects are concerned, it is a different story altogether. Thus, this rote-learning that most of us have to go through in many subjects, in many schools, and in many standards is the sole cause of this problem. What intensifies this, are the many competitive examinations that we, the high school students, try to prepare ourselves for. In the process, we blindly accept some facts and play as much as we can with them, to tackle the problems that would be given in the exams. Thus, we slowly and painfully, kill the scientist, which lies within someone. But what truly wait, is not more criticism, but a solution to all this; of course, it is only my thought, which I believe can work, but it is a thought that comes from first0hand experiences and realizations. So, let us begin to address this from day one. The child enters the school, knowing nothing; what he especially does not know, is the beauty of knowledge and to him, school is a dreadful place (courtesy the stories that society teaches him). Hence, this can easily break him; thus, we must first break this breaker, by allowing him to play and interact with the other students and the teachers, as time progresses, to get a firm grip on him. As the bond slowly develops, we can introduce him or her to alphabets first those of his mother-tongue, and then that of English – however, both these languages must be taught simultaneously, or at least in the same class – nursery. Thus, we must teach the child, with a caring attitude, having no concern for teaching him this much or that much, as specified by the syllabus, we can form a proper child, who is ready to learn. And as he progresses to higher subjects like mathematics, science and higher English/Bengali/Hindi, it can be taught slowly and in a manner wherein the child learns by experimentation. For example, tables can be taught, not through the usual boring and strict way of mugging up the tables up to 9, but by making him himself realize, that when two is added five times, it gives ten and making him do the exercise a number of times fully understanding how these follow, as tables. This done, the student formed would be one, who is ready to experiment, loving the subject, fully understanding what he does. At the end of the day, a student who does this, would really want to learn it faster and would do so. Going on to English, comprehension and grammar exercises and short stories can be taught, in a way that makes him realize what the content of the story is, and make him develop a reading habit; reading classes can be organized, so as to develop his reading skills, and full scale discussion of the topics, with debates, speeches, etc. can be taken in order to develop his skills in public speaking, understanding the language, etc. As for science, â€Å"everything around us is science and can be understood if tried to†can be the key to the success in this path. The children can be taught to thus observe the phenomenon around, to learn form what he sees around him and only at this stage, remember (not blindly accept) that something he sees, like wet clothes drying up when it is kept in the sun, etc.; to this note, I remember a personal experience that I cherished: in class two, when we were being taught birds, we were asked to collect feathers of birds that had fallen, in order to study them, match them to find whom they belonged to, and even discuss on them. The experience of that class, as I still remember, was the most entertaining, enthralling and enriching one ever in my life. But sad it is, that few teachers are so innovative enough to draw our full attention, and let our interest in the subject rise to such an extent, where we learn so nicely that we remember those classes for our entire life. Coming back, this process can go on thus, and as for value education, classes should be based on yearly assessment of thoughts, not as in maintaining a diary, but as a class-work. Shifting up to the high school level, children from class six onwards can be allowed to go to the practical labs, to freely experiment with the instruments upon the teachers’ instructions, observing, making systematic recordings, and last but not the least, themselves inferring from the data they find, so as to find patterns in Nature. This can be nicely done in physics, if not chemistry – at least with organic chemicals the students can experiment, as for harsh ones, the teacher can perform the experiment, making the students infer from them. Thus, an ‘experimentative’ approach and curious nature would be instilled into the child’s young mind, as he passes through this elementary level of science, giving rise to the birth of the scientist within him. He should also be given full freedom to talk on the subject in the class, alone with the teacher, in word or in writing, so as to fully clear his/her doubts, and understand the subject deeper than ever. In a line, the student should not learn the laws, but derive them out of his activities. Moving on to class nine, the first six months can be classes of revision of whatever he or she had learnt in the junior classes. Later, new topics can be introduced, and in a very similar manner, he must be taught these. Hence, the final student that would be formed would not be the marks-seeker, but a true knowledge-seeker – thus at least the scientist. As for arts, students can be introduced to philosophy at an elementary level itself, not in the form of boring lectures, but by making them philosophize on everyday happenings, historical events, problems and solutions, etc.; thus he’d not need to learn philosophy, but develop a taste for finding philosophy in everyday life. Hence, when he/she will read texts of great authors, he’d immediately find the essence of it all. The same goes for commercial applications and economics, where he can be made to realize the truth behind all the business policies – through stories, and even experiments in the form of mock business sessions (even on very small imaginary ones, like buying a product of Rs. 2), to make the students understand the principles behind the complex business policies. He should also be given the proper mathematical background required behind this, as in pure statistics and some of pure and applied mathematics, and if a student is found interested more in some subject, which is not in his syllabus, he can well be taught the lesson after school. This method I believe,, will surely create not only a true student, but also a complete human being. As for the so-called ‘boring’ subjects of history and geography, it is the method of teaching alone, that makes all the difference. History can be taught by first drawing the interest of the student. Ancient history is a good place to start this practice, by making history an extension of literature and logic combined. He can be †¦ taught to learn not the whats alone, but taught more importantly the whys and hence, the deeper hows!
Friday, September 20, 2019
Ethnographic Study Of Mumtaz Restaurant Cultural Studies Essay
Ethnographic Study Of Mumtaz Restaurant Cultural Studies Essay To achieve a purpose of this assignment, I have conducted an ethnographic study on Mumtaz Indian restaurant situated in Bradford, Great Horton Road. In this essay, the globalisation theory has explained with significance on globalisation of product and services and globalisation of culture. An observation of Mumtaz restaurant have described in this essay, which will explicate the culture, production and services globally. I also aim to develop better understanding of the term globalisation in the literature with the help of some definitions on globalisation of culture. This study therefore give support to the theory in a globalise world cultures. Mumtaz is an Arabic word (then it has been adopted by Persian and Urdu) meaning the distinguished or the best. It is commonly use as a male or female name in Hindi speaking Muslim community in India as well as in Malaysia and Brunei. As I move towards the restaurant, on the entrance, the man standing in the white uniform who welcomed me with full of respect. That is the first thing impressed me of this restaurant and forces me to realise that I am in India. As I went inside, it is all modern and sleek. I enter first into the food emporium where its own products are on sale. Before heading into the restaurant I am seeing a very beautiful sitting area that can be called as waiting room for the customers. The comfortable wooden sofas and table are representing the Indian culture of hospitality. The wood-framed tables are topped with thick bottle-end patterned glass and surrounded by slim steel-legged, high-backed black leather chairs. It is looking beautiful. There are cream color walls with leather panels, paintings and spotlights in the white ceiling and greenery shoots out of stainless-steel conical plant pots. Black and metal decoration with combination of lights Waiting room for the customers Restaurant is on the main road, on one side of the restaurant huge transparent glasses are fitted thereby allowing the customers to enjoy the weather of outside with their meal. The restaurant is very big and famous for the Indian food and culture but it serves seven nationalities of food. The staffs have a unique dress, black trouser and black shirt with a logo of Mumtaz. Most of the waiters are students, working as a part time. The restaurant is very busy as I am here at 1:30 pm on Saturday and I can observe 25 people around me. Dining here is very informal and the place is full with friends, couples and families with kids and mostly are the Asians. The overall age group is 20 -45. There are two Africans and three British sitting behind me and discussing about the taste of the food. They have drinks on the table. An Arabic group of five people, two of them are girls sitting on the next table. Theres contemporary, up-tempo but unobtrusive Indian music in the background which reflec ts the emotions and Indian culture. I was looking behind and suddenly I heard a voice what would you like to order sir? I spoke to him for two minutes. He was a student from Malaysia doing a part time work. I ordered Pakistani food; there are four types of curry, two Nan and rasmalayi in desserts. The taste is awesome. In the end I observe, when the water bowl served on the table to wash hands, many of the Indians and Pakistani used it because they were using hands instead of folk and knife. In India, people rarely use folk and knife. Moreover, rest of them use tissues. While giving the feed back, I appreciate the taste of the food. I asked a question from the supervisor manager. How could he manage to develop the taste without the items that are not available in the U.K? He told me that many of the items import from different countries mostly from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, UAE, Africa and china. He said Mumtaz has 15 branches worldwide and we select seven best cook from each country on a contract basis. T he last word he said many of the celebrities come here for a small taste of why the Mumtaz Empire has spread quite so wide. Literature Culture and politics are facilitators of globalization. They enable firms and consumers to buy, sell and even produce on a global basis. But there has to be motive for firms and consumers to act globally. Globalization stands for the whole public across the world. There are thousands of definitions of globalization, which occur confusion because the more specific concepts are highly diverse. There are five definitions of globalization that can be distinguished. A common idea of globalization can be understand in terms of internationalization, liberalization, universalization, westernization and territorialization. Internationalization: From this point of view global is a word which describes cross-border relations between countries, globalization designates a growth of international exchange and interdependence. According to H, Paul and T, Grahame, globalization word is identified in the terms of large and growing flows of trade and capital investment between countries (1996a:48). Liberalization: Globalization has viewed as liberalization. It is a process of removing all the government restrictions on movement between one country to another country. Globalization has become an important word for describing the process of international economic integration (Sander1996:27). Universalization: A third concept has equated globalization with universalization. In this global means worldwide and globalization is the process of supplying goods to people in any part of the world. Westernization: Globalization is again equal with westernization. Globalization is dynamic where by the social structure of modernity like industrialism, capitalism, rationalism, bureaucratism etc are spread all over the world and spoiling existent culture and local self determination in process. Territorialization: H, David and M, Tony have defined globalization as a process which embodies a transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions (Held et al., 1999:16) Different authors have different views on globalization. According to Malcolm Waters, globalization theory examines the emergence of global culture. It suggests that global culture is brought about a variety of the social and cultural developments. It is more important to see that globalization involves a new consciousness of the world as a single place. It suggests that a globalization is a social process in which the constraint of geography on social and cultural arrangements recede and in which people are aware that they are receding. Robertson definition of globalization: Globalization concept refers both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole. On the other hand, globalization has covered almost every person in todays world, the trend has spread unevenly. The process of globalization must to some extent be facilitated by a convergence of cultures. For example, St Patricks Day is a celebration of the patron saint of Ireland. Yet the day itself is now celebrated by many other nationalities all over the world. Admittedly, many of the Irish have at some point emigrated to other part of the world, but this does not explain the extent to which other cultures are willing to assume the St Patricks Day celebrations. According to Anthony Giddens, a leading sociological writer on globalization said that globalization is the cultural suspension of space and time. If space is a cultural reference point for geography and national identity, the willingness of many other cultures to celebrate St Patricks Day surely reflects a suspension of cultural space. Individuals from the UK, Australia and the US in celebrating the Irish patron saints day are suspending, in part, their cultural attachment to their own national culture. Hollywood and Indian entertainment industry (bollywood) are the two successful industries. They produce films, T.V. shows and a variety of music that are enjoyed not only by Indians, British or Americans, but also by many people around the world. The portrayal of Indian and western lifestyles, shops, the consumption of food, soft drinks and the belief that opportunity exist for everyone, can all be viewed and adopt while watching such movies and T.V. shows. So, if viewers around the world enjoy watching or listening to Indian or western culture, then perhaps they will also enjoy partaking in, or consuming any culture? If this is true, then the media of the country are an important facilitator of countrys companies selling their brands around the globe. According to Giddins, technology and communication is also a very good example of globalization. The ability to communicate with anyone, at anytime, anywhere in the world increases the perception of a global village, as opposed to a large fragmented global system. Globalization is a very broad aspect. The discussion on globalization can never come to an end. The more you talk, the more it takes you in deep. Analysis The name Mumtaz itself is a combination and use in different countries like Arabic, Indian, Brunei and Malaysia and from the religion perspective it is mostly used in the Muslim community. The restaurant is a typical Indian restaurant. It is famous for Indian food but it also serves different nationalities food. That means different nationalities of food invite all the people in the restaurant from different countries. However, the environment, the way they serve food in an Indian style, can reflect the culture of India. After an observation of the restaurant, it set a good example of globalization. There are different customers can be found in the restaurant of different countries such as British, Arabic, Indians, Chinese, Pakistan. The staffs are also from different places, most of them are the students from India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. The cooks are from seven different nationalities to maintain the taste of each country. People are sitting and enjoying various types of food of different countries. It looks like a western and Indian culture meeting under one roof. The language that is use in the restaurant is English because it is a universal language. Nevertheless, the Indians and Pakistani convey the message or make an order in their own native language to staffs. Music, taste, interior decorations, paintings on the wall, style of serving the food etc are giving a feel of the culture of India. That is how the globalization helps in shaping and reshaping of social relations within all countries. Different nationalities of people are working in the restaurant on different posts and everyone has to adopt the culture of the restaurant in a globalise manner. The raw material for the restaurant that is not available in the country is been imported from different part of the world. According to Begg, D and Ward, D, global product markets will concentrate on trading internationally, as opposed to operating internationally. Trading internationally is the export and import of goods and services from domestic locations to international markets. To achieve the each countrys taste and maintain the quality of food, the restaurant is importing many of the ingredients from different part of the world. According to some definitions of globalization, it is understood that globalization plays an important role in doing any type of the business. It is not possible for a country to produce all the goods. For example, some vegetables and fruits require cold or hot weather to grow. Different countries have different weather conditions. Globalization occurs at many levels. Firms can export overseas or even operate overseas. They can exploit cheaper labour, capital or finance overseas. An examination of globalization requires an analysis of numerous issues. For the globalisation, businesses are classic example of this. As Castells (2001) noted, they are organised around networks of production, management and distribution. Those that are successful have to be able to respond quickly to change both in the market and in production. Sophisticated information systems are essential in such globalization. Media plays an important role to make the restaurant globalize, through advertisements on the T.V. pop ups on internet. It influences people to visit the restaurant to see the culture and taste the variety of dishes at a single place. For example, Queen Elizabeth had visited the restaurant to experience the Indian culture and the taste of different varieties. It shows that, how globalization make the restaurant so popular in the world. Queen Elizabeth in the Mumtaz restaurant The definition of Robertson on globalization best fit here, Globalization concept refers both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole. Globalization has covered almost every person in todays world, the trend has spread unevenly. Language is a very good example of globalization. Every country has own language but English is universal. But the thing is, multicultural people speak English differently, each one has distinct way of speaking, accent, using short forms etc. We take an example of spellings, UK spell out colour, realise, and American spell color, realize. The meaning is same but the way of writing is bit different between both the countries. Conclusion The overall study of this essay comes with a conclusion by the help of observation done in a Mumtaz an Indian veg and non-vegetarian restaurant. The observation highlights the globalization of culture. The restaurant has perfectly maintained the dignity of the Indian culture. They have also attracted many of the celebrities to come and see the culture of India in the U.K. Food, religion, paintings, interior decoration, and people of different nationalities, Indian music and import of the products from different countries. These are the main aspects, which have shown the globalization of culture, and globalization of product and services. This is explained with an example of raw materials import from different countries and the international students those who are working in the restaurant and offering their best services globally. The ethnography study on the restaurant has tried to relate with the literature is used in this essay.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
My Philosophy of Education: Combining Progressivism, Essentialism and B
My Philosophy of Education: Combining Progressivism, Essentialism and Behaviorism Upon being faced with the task of writing my philosophy of teaching, I made many attempts to narrow the basis for my philosophy down to one or two simple ideas. However, I quickly came to the realization that my personal teaching philosophy stems from many other ideas, philosophies, and personal experiences. I then concentrated my efforts on finding the strongest points of my personal beliefs about teaching and what I have learned this semester, and came up with the following. The first and most important of the three formal educational philosophies that have been major influences on the formation of my own philosophy is progressivism. Progressivism is based on the belief that people learn best from what they consider to be relevant to their every day lives. In other words, students learn best from personal experience, hands-on experiments, and from interacting in groups with those around them. However, for these small groups to be entirely effective, they must be chosen at random; basing the groups on race, gender, sexuality, or social background will defeat their main purpose. The use of progressivism in the classroom broadens students? points of views and expands their abilities to understand differences in opinions. Furthermore, it inculcates students with a vast array of knowledge about their surrounding environment and everyone in it. Without the use of the progressive method, it is almost impossible to thoroughly educate children on complex topics such as racism, religion, and people that come from different societies, nationalities, or ethnic groups. A lack of knowledge of this sort le... ... student?s academic career. On top of everything else, teachers must possess an irrepressible yearning to motivate and educate children. Some children receive very little praise and motivation outside of the classroom environment. This puts a new responsibility on teachers to make sure that children (especially those who are underprivileged or disregarded by friends and family) get the attention and motivation they need in order to achieve. This can make all the difference in a child?s ability to do well in school. Knowing the characteristics of an exceptional teacher, along with realizing the challenges that teachers face to become effective and respected are daily motivation for me. They inspire me to become a more educated and knowledgeable person, which will allow me to become the admirable, successful teacher I know I can be.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Authors Depiction of Warfare in Beowulf :: Poems Literature Essays
The Author's Depiction of Warfare in Beowulf The poem Beowulf is set in a time when warfare was prevalent. The epic poem is believed to have been composed sometime between the early eighth century and the tenth century, A.D. During this time, war between tribes co-existing within the same region, as well as war between tribes from afar, was a common occurrence. The author of Beowulf acknowledges this fact often. However, it is not clear whether his or her opinion is that of a pacifist or an activist, with regard to such violence. The narrator emphasizes that the power, nobility and greatness of a warrior are often enhanced by his successfulness in battle. The fact that good things may be achieved through war, suggests that the narrator considers warfare to be a necessary evil. Whether the author sees warfare as good or bad, he recognizes its importance in the creation and molding of great leaders during this violent era. The author believes that war is not a situation that can be avoided. He also points out the importance of generosity on the part of those who will inevitably be drawn to battle, saying: "And a young prince must be prudent like that, so that afterward in an age when fighting starts steadfast companions will stand by him and hold the line" (Norton 20). Notice that he does not say "if fighting starts," but rather "when fighting starts." This tone suggests that war is to be expected and is an unavoidable aspect of life. The fact that success in warfare is an important factor in becoming a great leader is illustrated in the first few lines of the poem. Here, the author equates courage and greatness with the qualities of men, such as Shield Sheafson, who prove themselves powerful in battle. We are told that the founder of the Danish royal line was a: "scourge of many tribes, a wrecker of mead-benches, rampaging among foes...he would flourish later on as his powers waxed and his worth was proved" (4). In fact, the author rarely introduces any powerful king or lord without describing, to some degree, the victories which created and enhanced such power. A fully armored warrior is depicted as being very noble. He is a man to be looked up to and respected. This is plainly illustrated when Beowulf and his warriors first land in Denmark and are questioned by the coast guard.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Being a teen to being a toddler Essay
When Apple announced it’s new OS back in March, many people were very excited at a change to the old IOS 6. As beta testing for the OS began and bugs began to intoxicate the new OS many consumers were left wondering if the need to switch at the final release was the best move and if so, what were the advantages or changes to the new OS. IOS 7 has changed many of the features of IOS 6, but many of the core elements of IOS 6 are ever-present. The First and most noticeable difference in IOS 7 is its new color scheme and lock screen. IOS 6 had a round design and color scheme that was reminiscent of factory ears, and its lock screen was a simple picture with a slider at the bottom. But in the new OS, the color scheme is neon and bright colors, flat design in the sense that none of the home screen apps seem 3d, but also the lock screen is a full screen picture with the date, time, and also a slide to unlock slider. Those few improvements to the overall OS were nice, but the slide to unlock from the original OS 6 was still there and so were the large digital clock at the top. Another difference is the addition of Control Center. Control Center is a slider at he bottom of the screen that you slide up to use specific features of IOS 7, that in the older OS 6 you would have had to go to the settings menu. The features of Control Center include a slider for brightness, Wi-Fi control, Bluetooth control, and also one of IOS 7’s new features, Airdrop. Once again, the new features are great, even though many of the uses of them were in IOS 6. All in all IOS 7 is a step forward in features and still stays true to its predecessor. The new color scheme and lock screen got a complete overhaul, while keeping the same features and core elements of OS 6. Also the addition of Control Center now uses the toggles that could have been found in the settings menu of 10s 6. So once again, apple has made a step up in its Operating System while still staying true to its predeceasing one. eing a teen to being a toddler By subashini22 Being a teen to being a toddler When we mention teen the person who comes to our mind is â€Å"Justin Bieber†but when we mention toddler we recall back our memory of being in toddler. There are three differences of being a teen to being a toddler such as teen tends to face busy and hectic life, phase of learning and gaining experience and independent from arents. Firstly, being a teen is most hectic and enjoyab le phase of one’s life but when being a teen is most peaceful and happiest phase of one’s life. For example, when being a teen we are so much things to be worried about especially regarding studies when exam is Just around the corner but toddler also face some challenges in their life as they learn how to crawl ,walk and finally run . Teens always have the enthusiasm to gain new experience in life sometimes by neglecting of surrounding peers Just for the sake of fulfilling own enthusiasm but it is totally ontrast for toddler because they tend to learn good things and scientific studies shows when being a toddler ,they can absorb as much as knowledge as they could. Secondly, teen tends to face gaining experience and gets lacks of attention from parents but toddler usually be an attention and gets all the basic needs of life in a very early age. For example, teen usually are busy with their own life and always surrounded by friends but toddler will be an attention as when they start walking they may fall down several times so parents usually will be very careful and monitor hem each and every second. Teen will be busy preparing for their exams as they have peer pressures surrounding them that forcing them to be best among the best but toddler enjoys their life without any worries as parents are there always to protect them all the time. Thirdly, teens are usually less dependent on their parents but more dependent on their friends as it is in contrast with toddler. For example, teens need their friends for their daily activities such as for doing study group but toddler only need their parents to be always with them to be a good role odel for them as kids tend to learn everything as fast as lightning. Eventhough teens always prefer to mingle with their friends but they also need some attention from their parents to make sure they are on their right path. In conclusion, there are three differences of being a teen to being a toddler such as teen tends to face busy and hectic life, phase of learning and gaining experience and independent from parents. .Although every person may have regarding which phase of life is the best, but we are born to succeed enjoy each and every moment of life and use it wisely as’ life is a circle’.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Miss Representation
Hattie Godine English 1302 Essay 3 Today’s statistics shows women and young girls in the media areas of television, has more attention placed upon them, and it’s not always in a positive way. In the documentary film Miss Representation the portrayal changes the way the public and some men would view women. These magnitude effects of the role of women have had for many years. Some organizations and commercial ads display women and girls with the idea that their beauty lies in beauty products and tanning machines along with cosmetic products.Researchers have proven concerns that many support the idea of the detrimental harm that this attention brings to our society. Are women of today’s generation being exploited as nothing more than sex objects? Records show that the United States is still very below in average for women holding how power governmental positions. Miss Representation movie is no longer just a movie film, but has become a complete campaign to instill the empowerment for women and young girls. The campaign will add challenges to people who have made attempts on transforming our culture for the advancement of all kind.All through the campaign, you will become educated in one form are another. From Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin running for the first Women president of the United States it shows that our society still has a long way to go. We have not yet made it to the point of women having equal rights as men do. There is more to the story than Miss. Representation presents, because there are 65% of women that suffer from many self-afflicting diseases, Things such as simply not being the right shape, color of skin and height creates a hold different prospective on the matter.Example like eating disorder behavior has double against young women in the past century. (Health Day News reports) Almost two-thirds (65lpercent) of young American women report disordered eating behaviors, and 10 percent report symptoms of eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder. ) Copyright 2013 ABC News Internet Ventures Yahoo – ABC News Network. Television too has taken on a new twist to young girls as they view ifferent shows like American Next Top Model and some Reality shows they feel this is the direction that our lives should be based upon and this is the way a girl are women should like thru a television lens. Viewing too much television puts our young children at sufficient harm’s way. Stat’s show viewing TV 10 hours each day is much too dangerous mentally. It also becomes very addictive for our young people. When Sue Katz states that I just question how crucial the dream of â€Å"power and influence†is to most women today. ` As she stated it’s the movie is getting its air time but what really is the message that is being sent out to the public.As Ms. Newsome interviewed several governments official that are females have open views about women in pol itics and what their limitation have been so far in the chain of command. Women should be of equal concerns with issues, such as pay equality as well. We can work the same average hours as a man can expect the same pay along with some times long hours to get the job done. It’s a choice that some females make for themselves. Education does play a sufficient role in what type of career are profession you want to take and pay received with that career. Often time’s women are looked over because of sexuality.The pay wage gap is very real the economy has been a slow process in recovery and women that are not fortunate enough to be homemakers and take care of school age children are subjected to taking only minimum wage jobs and earning a lot less money than men. Abortion laws is another tip of ice bird that can been a challenging topic of pro anti-abortion rights for women. Some people who willingly support the federal ban on laws about abortion issues believes that the gov ernment has taken on the responsibility of perhaps protecting the unborn fetus, and that is not the Right of the government officials.Women should be able to make the decision of if they choice to abort an unborn child. Unless there is a life threating situation that endangers the child or the mother the decision should be left in the hands of the parents. Adapting the laws in the United States Constitution clearly leaning toward the support Overturned the Constitution Roe V. Wade. Chief Justice John Roberts & Justice Samuel Alito made it clear that the pro-Rue is under scrutiny interpretation of the standard of Casey, the was believed to be about anti-abortion movement continues to lose its balance ground level in the areas of politics and court.Women Rights from the abolition movement of the 1800s is of many women of all walks of life beginning with SNCC and SCLS but the more traditional groups are NAACP women were treated like second class citizens. Some of these women believed t he women liberations groups were radical. There were three key events that took place to form new movements for women equal rights in the 60’s. The American Women, released in 1963 recognized widespread Discrimination against women in all walks of life.The Civil Rights movement and publication of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, which many women would questions their own lives and status in society and concluding there was something wrong. In 1964 the Civil Rights Act prohibited discrimination based not only on race but also on sex. Some of the Senators in Congress still jokingly view its addition as a means to dishonor the total act and guarantee its defeats against discrimination. In the year of 1966 Equal Opportunity Commission did not enforce laws as it applied to sex discrimination, and female activist was immediately formed the National Organization for Women.NOW was molded very closely after the NAACP. They worked very hard within the systems to stop discr imination. Women can be portrayed better in the lime light of the media by giving us the same privileges that are given to males. That includes the powerful position in politics and leadership in government. Some of the media coverage that views on television shows, video dancing, and film producing sexist toward women and their bodies makes it difficult for respect to be valuable.Only seeing the sexy side of a woman not the knowledge she may hold within her personality. Diverse advisement coverage of women is known worldwide with a lot of information. Society along is mostly shaped with influence buy what we look like as women not what we think. And that can be taken as direct criticisms. Our values are and should be measured in ways better used to see, think and feel. Women are constantly portrayed in sexually ways and we continue to be seen as sex object, and this is a violation of our human rights.Research shows targeting areas of imagines in a more positive effect on our selves . Effecting Self-esteem issues for women sometimes of not feeling as beautiful and not to compare themselves with other females who look ideally thin and more beautiful. Cited sources as follows: (Cilvilbiliberty about. com/od/abortion/a/abortion2012. htm) (http://www. typepad. com/services/trackback/6a00d8341c7a9753ef0168ea9b7cdb970c) (Sabato) (Sabato)sexucalityhttp://www. policymic. com/articles/4439/are-women-in-the-media-only-
Sunday, September 15, 2019
“Should Fast Food Chains Be to Blame for Childhood Obesityâ€Â
â€Å"Should fast food chains be to blame for childhood obesity? †As defined by dictionary. com obesity is the condition of being obese; increased body weight caused by excessive accumulation of fat. Obesity is determined by the level of BMI (body mass index). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, BMI is calculated from a child’s weight and height, and is compared to a chart that tells you what is along the normal ranges.As you can see, children do not just wake up one day and find themselves overweight, there has to be some kind of influence that is making them that way, whether it be the foods they eat at home, or what they eat while with friends. This is not a matter that should be taken lightly. Who should be blamed? Some people believe the parents are to blame because they should provide their children with healthier meal choices at all times. Others believe the influence fast food companies have through the media and advertising is too grea t and children would rather have a happy meal that comes with a toy than have a healthy cooked meal from home.The way of living has changed drastically from the 1970s to the present. Back in the 1970s mothers were more likely to be homemakers and had the time to dedicate to homemade meals three times a day. Nowadays, women are more likely to take part in careers and therefore live more hectic lifestyles. People are busier than ever and most of the time it is much easier to drive by a fast food restaurant and pick up dinner than to slave in the kitchen after a long day at work. â€Å"Fewer family meals are eaten together now (less than 5 a week of 21 meals) than in the years past†(King, 28).The fast food business has boomed in the recent years due to this and they tend to advertise mostly to kids using colorful advertisements with their favorite cartoon characters and reel them in by providing a toy along with a processed hamburger and greasy French fries. Being an obese chil d can have many effects on their health, both physical and emotional health are impacted greatly by being overweight. Some children are never taught proper ways to cope with their emotions and eating is what they turn to make them feel better when nothing else is going right.Obese children tend to suffer from low self-esteem and may develop eating disorders in their quest to become thin. â€Å"Obese adolescents are more prone to emotional and behavior problems and also more likely to develop psychopathologies during both adolescence and adulthood†(Willette, 565). Overweight children are at risk for more diseases than children within their normal weight. â€Å"Adult diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, are being diagnosed in 8-and 9-year-old children†(King, 28).Some parents rely on television and video games to keep their children entertained after a long day because they do not have time to take the children outside to play. †Health concerns such as undernutritio n, lack of physical activity and increased incidence of chronic diseases are more common in low-income and minority youth†(King, 28). Everywhere we turn we are bombarded by advertisements for some type of fast food restaurant. Billboards, television commercials, radio ads, and print are just some of the media used to get the message to people to come out to their restaurants, and use catchy slogans with animated characters.It is no secret these ads are mostly advertising to children and teenagers. In 2002, it was estimated that annual sales of food and beverages to young consumers exceeded $27 billion. Advertisers have recognized that young consumers are a valuable market and have begun to advertise directly to them. Food and beverage advertisers collectively spend$10 billion to $20 billion annually to reach children and youth, and more than $1 billion of that is spent on direct media advertising to children (Willette, 565). Children are more likely to be influenced by these advertisements, especially when it involves something they think is cool.These advertisements are mostly found on channels such as nickelodeon or Disney channel. It is very hard because there is no way to avoid these advertisements unless you move yourself and your children to a cave. Parents have an important effect on their children’s development because they are the ones who raise their children from day one. If a child is raised eating healthy foods they are more likely to keep making those choices as they grow older and pass those habits on to their children. Bad eating habits can be passed on as well.Some parents simply don’t know how to make healthy eating choices themselves, and it affects them and their children around the waistline. Parents should lead by example; they should not only encourage their children to eat healthy, but also do the same themselves. So why are parents blaming fast food chains for their children obesity? Well, because no one wants to h old themselves responsible and it is always much easier to point the finger at someone else. No parent wants to be seen as the reason for making their child overweight and want some type of reassurance that their parenting efforts ave not all been ineffective. Parents also are the ones that pay for the fast food and provide it for their children, so it can’t fully be the fast food companies fault, right? Children are going to be children and they are going to always want what is not good for them, but the parents have some control over what they choose to feed their child, and it should be done even if it requires them to spend more time in the home. In conclusion, the media is always going to have a big impact on the lives of everyone especially children. Childhood obesity is a health epidemic affecting many children in this country today.Parents are the ones who give guidance and should work hard to teach their children healthy eating habits. Fast food companies use adverti sing and many other things to attract children; but at the end of the day, companies need to make money. So the blame game parents are using needs to stop. Fast food is not going anywhere and the parents should be the ones being held responsible for their children not fast food companies who have no relation to these children.Works cited â€Å"Kaiser Family Foundation Releases Report on Role of Media In Childhood Obesity. †Pediatric Nursing 30. (2004): 165 Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Apr. 2010. Willette, Amanda L. â€Å"Where Have All the Parents Gone? Do Efforts to Regulate Food Advertising To Curb Childhood Obesity Pass Constitutional Muster?. †Journal of Legal Medicine 28. 4 (2007): 561-577. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Apr. 2010. King, Nancy, and Dayle Hayes. â€Å"Shame, Blame and the ‘War on Childhood Obesity’: Confronting the Real Problems, Identifying the Positive Solutions. †Healthy Weight Journal 17. 2 (2003): 2 8. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 18 Apr. 2010.
My Thoughts On Ethnicity and race Essay
Race and ethnicity is a very interesting topic to think about. The distinction between race and ethnicity is not always clear to a lot of people. To me race is your physical appearance and ethnicity is your cultural background. My race is white but my ethnicity is Irish and scottish. Although my race is white and someone who is polish might also be white our cultures are not the same. When you are asked to specify race/ethnicity on a form i think it is not fair because there are thousands of things you could potentially be that dont neccesarily fit into the small choice of boxes they give you. I think a lot of people don’t know the difference because race and ethnicity are often listed together leading people to think that they are the same thing I don’t think race and ethnicity should be an issue. Any one person no matter what background they are from was born and will die just the same. It is natural for people to want to group themselves with others who look, speak or behave in similar patterns. Essentially humans are animals and most animals are more comfortable with the familiar. Athough it is natural to group ourselves organically in this way, i dont think having to catogorize yourself into a group on forms and surveys is ever going to help anything. Throughout my life I’ve had a lot of contact with many different ethnicities and races. I went to school where the i was not part of the majority. I was one of the few white people in my class and it was a big issue for me then because being the minority i was treated differently. I was frequently called â€Å"the white girl†by my classmates. At first it bothered me but I became more comfortable. I think being the minority in school helped me learn how to get along with people from different backgrounds. My ability to get along with almost anyone i can attribute to my experience in school. I have also gained a soft spot for anyone getting treated differently for their race or ethnicity. I have heard friends and family make remarks about race but it isnt often that they are positive. A nearby neighborhood is going through a gentrification. The rents in the area have incresed leading people in the area to move into my neighborhood. The people moving in are mostly black and hispanic. Many people are attributing the rise in crime in the area to the people that have been migrating in. Before this migration the neighborhood was mostly Italian, Irish and german. I dont know what to think about this development but i hear a lot of predjudiced things being said that i dont agree with. I think most negative comments come from learned steriotypes. These things can be learned from family, friends or even the media. Many people have the potential to be predjudiced to a certain degree but for the most part i think it is a learned behavior. I believe in the future as races and ethnicities become more and more mixed that prejudice will decrese drastically. Any advantages of stressing these racial and ethnic issues i believe is to try to be fair. One of these advantages is the government requires some companies and schools to hire/accept a certain quota of minorities. This is good because it gives a lot of people opportunities that they might not have gotten because of someone being prejudiced against them. I also think it could be a litte unfair because someone more qualified might not get a spot because of these quotas. I think how you turn out socially, economically, and morally is attributed to your family. If you are from a rich family you are born knowing what having money is like and how to manage it. If you are born poor it is much more difficult to move out of the cycle of poverty. It is because of this that some people see minority communities in a bad light but i just think they are stuck in the cycle of povery. Minority families not so long ago were kept down by racism. Most politicians are prodominantly white at the moment. Once politics become more diverse i think the balance of wealth will begin to shift and ethnicity/race will become less important. Ethnicity and race is a topic of great interest to many people. It affects our laws, advertizing and a plethora of other things. I personally dont feel like it should matter at all what you are on the outside or what culture you have. We are all people and i hope one day that everyone can just treat everyone the same regardless of race or ethnicity.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Admission to Physical Therapy Graduate Program
In all aspects of my life, perhaps the most significant inspiration that has shaped my life becoming the person I am today and gave me direction is experience itself who has taught me well. I had a tough childhood with my parents and my first marriage was unsuccessful.However, the outcome made me a stronger, more responsible and compassionate individual developing a heart for others in need. My loving and forgiving grandmother imparted to me values that have served as my guiding principles through the years. I always give my best in everything I do no matter how insignificant that may be.I believe in the saying do unto others as you would have them do unto you because true happiness to me is caring for others. This is the very reason why I worked so hard to complete my education by all means despite many obstacles so that I could be of great service to many when I finished my graduate program.Pursuing my college education was quite a struggle. I have to joggle raising two boys and st udies as well as financial resources. As a stay-home mother, I took initiatives to continue schooling whether on-line or on-site at Mountain State University and Chattahoochee Technical College maintaining very high marks. Due to lack of funds, I stopped during the fall of 2005 until April 2006.With much dedication, I moved on with my studies in May 2006. I thought then that it was impossible but I did it because I was determined, committed and focused. Currently, I am senior at Charter Oak State College finishing my undergraduate studies with a 3.90 GPA at the same time doing my required 80-hour observation.Besides my family, realizing my education would be my other great accomplishment more so when I graduate from this program. I am motivated to undertake this study because I believe that this is a good foundation to sharpen not only my intellectual purpose but my capabilities that will propel me to more achievements in life and a career in physical therapy.Ever since growing up I have uncovered my desire to help others probably because I have an outgoing personality. When I started college, I wanted to be psychologist. However, I have a neck problem that needed to be addressed through physical therapy. During my treatment, I just fell in love with whole process and like what I saw. The therapist was truly concerned about my pain and tried to make me strong and healthy again. There were these exercise equipment that help the patients strengthen their weak areas.Fitness and health are part of me. I play golf once a week at the same time goes fishing, horseback riding and hiking. I joined the Country Music Marathon last April with a time of four hours and three minutes, which landed me at the top 7% overall and top 3% in the women’s. I feel that I am a healthy person and could promote the benefits of nutrition and exercise to a lot of people. There is a shortage of physical therapist. I believe I would make a great therapist.While searching for a gradua te school that would meet my goals, I was excited to find the holistic approach of Alabama State University in Montgomery to physical therapy. I have devoted my undergraduate studies to prepare for this so that I can finally practice what I have learned. By adopting the tools and methods the university will provide, I can correctly interpret the theories and practices of physical therapy that are both insightful and sound.After graduation, I intend to pursue this career either in government or private to support my family and help those in need of physical rehabilitation making sure they get the necessary care and attention. When I gained enough knowledge and experience, I plan to set up my own therapy sessions at home during my free time to serve nearby patients.Though school may be over, I will still continue educating myself through research on-line to further expand my knowledge. I really enjoy what I do because I want to be a good example to my children and hopefully give them better education. All the hardships are nothing if you love your family.ReferenceAlabama State University, Montgomery. (2006). Physical Therapy. Heath Sciences. Retrieve August 15, 2006, from
Friday, September 13, 2019
McDonalds in Kazakhstan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
McDonalds in Kazakhstan - Essay Example McDonald's generates revenues through company operated restaurants and franchisee restaurants. Of a total of over 31,000 restaurants, over 8000 are operated by the company and over 18,000 are operated by franchisees. The remaining restaurants are operated by affiliates. The company's revenue comprises sales from company operated restaurants and fees as well as rent from franchisees and affiliates. Under the franchise arrangement, the franchisees invest in the equipment, signage, seating and dcor, while the company owns or leases the land and building. Franchisees pay the company service fees and rent for premises. Service fees are set as a percentage of sales, while rent and other terms of occupancy are stipulated in the franchise agreement, which is drawn for a period of 20 years. The company and its franchisees as well as affiliates purchase food, packaging, equipment and other goods from approved suppliers. The company maintains quality standards through assurance labs around the world. A quality assurance board, including the company's technical, safety and supply chain specialists, provides guidance on all aspects of food quality and safety. The McDonald's business model is slightly different from that of most other fast food chains. In addition to ordinary franchise fees, supplies and percentage of sales, McDonald's also collects rent. As a condition of the franchise agreement, McDonald's owns most properties. Since rent is a fee that is not linked to sales, this practice allows McDonald's more control over its franchisees (Rumbelow, 1 February 2001). As the world's largest fast food company, McDonald's was the target of criticism on many grounds over the review period. It has been accused of the exploitation of entry-level workers and ecological damage caused by agricultural production and industrial processing of its products with high levels of packaging waste. Critics claim it sells unhealthy or non-nutritious food with exploitative advertising targeted at children and contributes to the suffering and exploitation of livestock. McDonald's has also been criticised for its litigious and heavy-handed approach to preserving its image and copyrights. Consequently, McDonald's recorded its first ever global loss in the last quarter of 2002 and in Europe sales plunged 3.8% in January 2003. To combat this, McDonald's underwent a fundamental revolution in its approach to menus, marketing and consumers in 2003. In the UK, McDonald's is improving its standards and continued to work with government and health officials to investigate impro vements (Euromonitor, 29 November 2005). On the other hand, Kazakhstan is a relatively new nation as it gained independence from Soviet Union in 1991. McDonald's has is one of the countries it has to conquer. Kazakstan's 1,052,100 square miles (2,724,900 square kilometres) make it by far the largest state in Central Asia and the ninth largest in the world. Between its most distant points Kazakstan measures about 1,820 miles (2,930 kilometres) east to west and 960 miles north to south. While Kazakstan was not considered by authorities in the former Soviet
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Assignment DECISION CASE ANALYSIS Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Assignment DECISION CASE ANALYSIS - Coursework Example Later in 193 AD, the whole of Roman Empire was put for auction by the Praetorian Guard. In 18th century, there was an auction that was carried out in Taverns and coffeehouses where it was used to sell art. In around 1990s, there emerged the first internet- based auction materials and in the mid-1995, Glen Meakem, who was McKinsey consultant, started Free Markets. In the year 2004, Ariba did the purchase of Free Market and by today very many companies offer various types of bids including a reverse auction (Cogswell, 2004). He procurement process follows a cycle that begins with preparation, negotiation, and lastly implementation process. The development process in e- auction is longer than it is in face to face negotiation. Here, there are tight conditions, and everything is restricted on the supplier who only negotiates on the price. Furthermore, e- auction involves negotiation of several suppliers; therefore there are a lot of energies invested at the preparation level. However, on es the supplier has gotten into the system, the subsequent years do not require a lot of time for preparation. The second process requires negotiation, at such a point there is extreme talk, and many suppliers negotiate within a given timescales. As they negotiate the price of the good or the serviced decrease such that by the time are done the price is favorable to the buyers who will be willing to choose the price that fits them. The last process that is implementation is based on the company; it should be done in a straightforward and transparent way that favors both the supplier and the buyer (Cogswell, 2004). The Market Dojo finds it so challenging entering into an e- sourcing space where there are bigger companies such as Oracle, SAP and Ariba already offering excellent services to the customers (Testa, 2009). Market Dojo strives to have a share of the market with these well- established companies by taking advantage of the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
US-Britain industrial power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
US-Britain industrial power - Essay Example The Britain remained evidently predominant in the nineteenth century among the world powers as consequence of tremendous economic and industrial expansion in the eighteenth century. The British firms had expanded and export trade boomed vigorously in the industrial revolution.This paper investigates into the reasons that enabled the United States to replace the Britain as the world's leading industrial power after the time when Britain used to dominate the world with its industrial strength. Evidently, there happened to be several causes underlying the sharp decline in the British dominance among all the powerful countries in the world. In the same manner, there were various reasons that served to be the supporting elements for the economy and industry of United States to supersede the position of Britain.Apparently there happened to be abounding reasons behind the deterioration of British industrial and economic power in the late nineteenth century. Britain's economic diminution was in fact a consequence of the decline in the country's industrial potency that happened to be the backbone of the country's growth in the eighteenth century. However, this industrial failure did not erupt out of nothing, rather it too was an aftermath of several factors and events responsible for undermining the British industrial ascendance in the world.One of the pre-eminent causes of the failure of British industrial power was also the country's technical training and education system. The country, due to its highly advanced technical training system, produced and accumulated a large number of trained and high calibre workers for some industries. This turned out to be negative for various industrial sectors in the long run, as the country immensely began to lose unskilled workers that could perform duties on machines in the factory. This problem was faced by most of the industries in Britain, causing them to run high on costs and consequently low on profits. The British industry also lacked the most substantial ingredient i.e., machine tools required for technological excogitation in the manufacturing sector of the industry. Britain remained far behind on this ground that could have otherwise backed the deteriorating industrial strength of the country. The machine tool industry had been flourishing in the early period of British industrial development but the growth in this industry came to a gradual halt in the early twentieth century. This backwardness marked the inability of British industry to cope with the technological prerequisites of that era and the country seriously lacked behind on the technological edge. Another significant factors underlying the fall of British dominance was also that it seriously lagged on the ground of export in the late nineteenth century as compared to United States. The growth in export witnessed in the earlier decades started to tumble down and imports, on the contrary, took on a rising trend. At this time, most prominently, the United States was advancing in export trade through technological advancement and thus started to captivate even the portions of markets in Britain. This had a severe impact on the British economy and thus it started to lose dominance over other countries. This happened primarily because the Britain failed to advance in terms of new technology and as a result, the country's export trade started to decline. Free trade policies inflicted serious harms to the British industrial expansion. The country perpetually adopted the free trade policy enhancing the free flow of imported goods into the market without any restriction. This resulted in an outbreak of international
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Depression and Suicide in Older Adults Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Depression and Suicide in Older Adults - Essay Example Recognizng depression can be tricky because depressive symptoms manifest themselves differently in older people than they do in younger people. Health care workers need to be alert to the signs and symptoms of depression because untreated depression represents the greatest risk factor for suicide among older adults. Many people may believe that depression in older adults is simply a normal event that most people go through at one time or another; and that there is no real reason to be alarmed. It might be thought that these individuals should accept sad feelings and disinterest in life as a typical part of growing older. Nevertheless, depression is a very real disorder, and not just one that comes with age. Depressed individuals often cannot just 'snap out of' the problems they are facing. All too often, older adults end up taking their own lives when their depression becomes too painful for them and remains untreated (Brent, et al, 1997). Older adults have the highest rate of suicide in the United States, with over half of all suicides occurring in adult men, aged 25-65. Moreover, suicide rates steadily increase with age (Heisel, 2004). The rate of suicide among people 65 years and older is 50% higher than the national average. A senior citizen in the United States commits suicide every 90 minutes. Clearly, this is a problem that must not be ignored, particularly among older adults who are disproportionately impacted. Although older adults currently make up only 13% of the population, they suffer 19% of all suicide deaths. Persons who are 65 years and older have the highest suicide rates of any age group, and 84% of those who commit suicide are men. Population experts estimate that by 2030, older adults will comprise about 20% of the population, or about 75 million people. Thus, the problem of suicide, if left unaddressed, can be expected to increase. Heisel (2004) states, "There is a pressing need to identify vulnerability and protective factors associated with late-life suicidal ideation and behavior in order to inform assessment and treatment considerations with seniors at risk of suicide" (p. 50). Anyone working with elderly peopleolder adults must be aware of the scope of the problem and the potential ways to help. It is important, therefore, to evaluate ways to reduce the risks posed by depression in older adults, particularly the risk of suicide. With that goal in mind, this paper will examine the prevalence of depression among older adults, diagnosis, treatment, and risk factors for suicide. It will briefly examine depression's long history. Also, the literature dealing with various approaches to treatment of depression will be reviewed. Ultimately, this paper will thoroughly explore the question of why older adults choose to take their own lives. Diagnosis of Disorder Virtually everyone is sad from time to time, and this is generally not a cause for alarm. In many cases, a temporary negative change in mood is brought on by some specific loss, and corrects itself within a reasonable period of time. Losses late in life tend to become more common. For example, as people get older, they will likely know more
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